Jun 09, 2006 21:13

Alright, time for phase two of my live journal update. But before I launch into my day at SHIMMER can I just complain for a moment how hard it is to find my favorite Jolly Rancher flavor? There is only ONE place around that carries cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers and my mom bought out their last bit of stock (which ended up being about three bags). What's a girl gotta do?!?!?!

Ahhhh time to SHIMMER like a girl. The time has come to tape Volumes 5 & 6. After crashing in Kalamazoo for a few hours I have off to Chicago for the show. First stop-hotel. Second stop-Midway. I retrieve not only my bag but also Amber O'Neal and Nikki Roxx. Not too shabby, things are off to a good start. Then Subway happens. At least 30 minutes to get four sandwiches made. And the Baked Lay's BBQ chips were months expired. And the girl didn't know what swiss cheese was!! The one with the holes in it ya dumb bitch! GRRRRRRRRR!

Its myself vs. Cheerleader Melissa on Volume 5. Sweet deal. This is our first time meeting in the ring one on one. At one point Melissa has me in her submission and I realize at that very moment that "oh shit, I am not NEAR as bendy as the 'Chif". My W-L record nearly went in the shitter with my cell phone. But alas I pull out the W with an inside cradle and my phone is ok after drying out for 24 hours.

Watching the later matches from my viewpoint in the back I notice the cheating ways of one Rebecca Knoxx. Not in my house! I call her out and challenge her to a Pure Wrestling Rules match on Volume 6. And I lose. SHITBURGER! What does it take for me to bring this girl down??? Gonna start with more training, more gym and more tape watching. Yeah, that's a start. And if that doesn't work I will shoot her. I could use the street cred.

After losing my voice and enjoying some pizza buffet after the show I am back at the hotel and ready to sleep. I was up waaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime. Turning 29 has made me quite the old lady. I sleep for a few hours and then it is up at 4:45ish to hit continental breakfast and then to the airport I go. I hit the airport with the Bryce and the Haze...but no Death Ray. :( We fear that she will be caught in Chicago traffic and miss her flight but at the very last second she arrives on the plane! And as she enters the Haze and I begin to hum her entrance theme....The Final Countdown. Sleepytime, Southwest Airlines style!

Next up-CHIKARA!!! In the meantime...go to and watch the match between Lacey and myself at the most recent ROH show in CT!
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