muses_w_remotes: 5.9. Lost

Oct 07, 2008 23:10

5.9. “You only have three choices: run, hide or die...”
| Lost


Grief doesn’t come with an instruction manual. There is no right or wrong way to deal with losing someone. It’s also very different when you expect to lose someone than when you don’t. I never professed to have all the answers for Wilson in the weeks following Amber’s death. The situation with my husband’s passing was much different. It was expected and it was prolonged, but it didn’t hurt any less. My heart still broke when he died and I know how much the pain can you eat you up inside and threaten to engulf you day after day.

But Amber died suddenly. She died unexpectedly and tragically. The relationship with Wilson might not have progressed for a lengthy time period, but that doesn’t mean he loved her any less. It was long enough to fall in love and long enough to hurt terribly when he lost her. All I could do was offer him insight into my experiences and confide in ways I dealt with it all. But at the end of the day, I had no solutions for him on how to ease the pain. That’s something he needs to find his own path with. The first reaction is usually run and hide. The protective mechanism always kicks in when you’re in pain. You want it to go away and stop, but to know it won’t is sometimes the hardest thing to accept.

Initially, I expected him to talk more of the situation with House. I worried when he didn’t, but as he more and more confided in me about his feelings over the whole thing, it became clear that this time, House wasn’t an automatic factor. He didn’t blame House for what had happened, but he’s realised on some level how much of a destructive force House has been in his life and just how much he has lost because of it. Right now, it’s a time he needs to put himself first and that’s something I’ve been trying to help him do by merely being a listener and a shoulder to cry on.

I don’t think Wilson’s decision to leave Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is running away. I don’t even think it was even a decision made in denial. It’s just a need for a change and a change he can’t see in House’s shadow. I can’t blame him, but as the weeks progressed of helping Wilson try to work through the grief, I’ve realised I’m going to miss him. If only House would wake up and admit that too. If only.

Word Count | 426

comm: muses_w_remotes

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