The Basics
Name: Allison
Your Weaknesses:trust people too easily, bad temper, nail biting, smoking,
Your Strengths:I'm strong, smart, tell it how it
Your Likesshopping, sleeping, my boyfriend, my friends, family
Your Dislikesfake people, boyfriend thieves, liars,
Your Hobbies/Talents:singing, talking, being a bitch
Favorite Color(s)?blue, pink
Favorite Place(s)?houghton, port austin, texas and i haven't been much of anywhere else
Favorite Movie(s)?the notebook, phantom of the opera, sin city, sisterhood of the traveling pants,
Favorite Book(s)?sisterhood of the traveling pants series, just like heaven, to kill a mockingbird, the catcher in the rye
Favorite Food(s)?spaghetti, any pasta, chicken, jimmy john's,
More About You
Jealous much?of
Where are you most likely to be found on a Sunday morning?Big Boy
Can you keep a secret?depends on whos asking me to keep it
You think your friend is making a big mistake, what do you do about it?I just tell her my thoughts and feelings on the situation, but let her know that I'll always support anything she decides to do.
What is your biggest fear?Being unsuccessful and alone
Your relationship is in shambles. What do you do to save it?Whatever I can
Describe your perfect mate and your perfect date:My perfect mate would have to be my boyfriend, we're really good for eachother, though we fight like a cat and dog sometimes. Perfect date....dinner on the beach....very romantic if u ask me.
You think your signifigant other is cheating. What do you do?Confront him about it, hope he tells the truth, and depending on the outcome, forget about it or dump him.
Would you kiss and tell?depends...
You are in love with someone who won't love you back, what do you do?get over him because there is no point in trying to make someone love you, love just happens when u least expect it to.
Laguna Beach Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend and why?LC because we have a lot in common. We were in the same sort of triangle in our senior years, we're just very similar in many ways.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically and why?I guess Jason because I've never been romantically involved with a bad boy.
Would you rather be stamped as a boy or a girl or it doesn't matter?girl
Post pictures of yourself here (please no more than 5) or a least describe yourself.
brown hair blond highlights, 5"4, 135 lbs. tan, friends tell me i'm