And here it is, a red balloon, I think of you and let it go...

Jun 14, 2005 10:47

-Not guilty isn't the same thing as innocent-

I'm trying to remember what I did this week  (I don't even know if these things are the right days lol)

>Went to Bobby's house with Dan, Steven, and Kyle but then like as soon as they got there they left...?
>The condom
>Went with Ben to get food, and almost got killed!!!! Omg that was so scary....Spencer Toth! hahaha (ChickenMcTaco)
>Went to my house to get the Notebook to watch at an almost ALL guy party, (Ryan Gosling!!! :-*)
>Went home to my grandmas house because my cousins were there, Ben- 'Who's that guy?' *Looking at my cousin Shaun sitting on the porch steps with a bat in his hands* haha
>Then my cousins and I went to Taco Bell at like 1:30....seriously the later you eat Taco Bell (or should I say earlier), the better it tastes :)

>Made glorious plans with Ashley... :-!
>Went to see The Longest Yard with Bobby, Billy, Chelsea, and Eddie...oh yeah Anna (Billy's sister) and Allie Seager were there too. I thought the movie was pretty good...too bad there weren't really any hott guys tho =\
>Then we all went to Chae's house to watch the Pistons but we only did that for like...5 seconds?
>We all went in the kitchen and talked about how we are gonna have a water spoons party at Chae's house.

>Got pictures/text messages and phone calls from the people in Cedar Point.
***First time ever*** --> 3 people called my cell phone at the same time...weird (Dan, Kyle, and Nick)
>Kyle was going to have a movie night to watch Boogeyman but everyone was in Cedar Point =\
>Nick called to inform me that there were Aliens in me and Taylors yard and that they bit Taylor, I went outside to look for them (Nick and Talyor) but I couldn't see them, but they could see me so it was kinda scary...
>My mom tried to dye my hair or put highlights in it or something but I don't think it looks any
>Haha my phone was ringing so much last night and one time when it rang my mom goes 'What is the problem???' I thought it was funny lol I was laughing really hard.

. . : : N o W  i  H a V e  N o  I d E a  W h A t  I ' m  D o I n G  t O d A y : : . .
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