ballsoutmcr67: schools cancelled tomorrow
BananaPeal12345: yessssssss
DoMiNaToR52989: school is closed tomorrow
YAHOO BOOTED YOU: no skewl tom orrow!!!!
KittyKatHasso: al no school tomorrow
Skiier2007: NO SCHOOL
SexyAndCarlos38: no school
Gator134life: no school tomorrow
Nic3o3: no school
Iheartrip: No ScHoOl!
BoBaShLeY89: shutup! 2 people have already told me that lol
Steph12vball: i ran upstairs and started dancing and singing "i have no school" to shana and matt then i turned the corner slipped and fell on my butt
HaHa OmG LaSt NiGhT WaS sO fUn.
Andrea, Kelly, Dom, Alex, Chelsea and Eddie spent the night at my house last night and we snuck out at like 2:45 and Taylor and Kyle were outside it was really funny and Alex fell off the fence. Actually Eddie was the only one who never actually snuck out and Andrea was only out for like 5 minutes. But omg after everyone else went in me, Chelsea, Kyle, and Taylor stayed outside and we tried to see if anyone was in this abandoned car but me and Kyle were to scared so we just sat in the rode but Chae and Kyle actually went up and like touched the car...:-( it was like parked right next to the scary woods and they her like someone walking in the woods it was really scary at the time. Then we all almost got caught by my mom but we made it in finally at about 3:45 :)
Two Words: Fire Mountain
Some PiX:
Me and Chelsea's Arts & Crafts Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 At Kristens House/
Volleyball Sleepover Al (walks like a man, talks like a man! lol) EdDiE! haha loser...jay kay Kristi-
Mae Jay's hair! (lol ash, Jaystee!) KaR and BeN WiLLiAm FrEaKiN' AshLeys porn I lOVE this pic 8-) 8-) and again, but more centered (haha Kell) NB PiC BoBaShLeY89: we're so hott *************************************************************
Ok byebye, it's 11:07 =)