The sandwich week and Halloween

Nov 03, 2009 14:21

Last week was dubbed the Meghan sandwich business week by Sarah, since we saw Meghan on both Monday and Friday in Vermont. Monday was the Andrew Bird show. We picked up Meghan at Dartmouth and drove the long haul to Burlington where we ate a glorious feast at Al's French Fries (Sarah's "grilled cheese" consisted of a piece of american cheese on a hamburger bun and some lettuce and tomato thrown into a plastic ziploc bag). The show was great of course and even the super tall lumberjacks all around didn't get on my nerves *too* much. We drove back to Meghan's barn near Dartmouth and spent the night on couches, yay! The next morning we went to the cute little breakfast place in Thetford (Marc, the boss, used to live there) and then drove straight back to UNH and arrived at work at a not too terrible hour. Random fact: the breakfast place had a wall of postcards and I spotted one from Greensboro, NC!

Thursday was the Halloween party at the Bat Cave. We had a bonfire, cheesecake, pumpkin bars, cupcakes, caramel apples and lots of great costumes. Click here for pictures. The weather was nice, the dogs behaved and it was a fun time all around. My batwoman costume came together nicely, it was mostly leftover from my Boogie costume... I just had to make a new mask, which turned out even better than the original mask. I didn't get any pictures with my own camera, but I'm trying to track down some from other people's cameras. Yay for Halloween! Friday marked the end of the 1st official Meghan sandwich business week with a trip up to Dartmouth for a science meeting. I had little to nothing to offer to the meeting since I wasn't involved with that particular rocket at all, but my boss insisted I go to present these other results from an entirely unrelated rocket mission. It turned out okay though, despite my doubts, and I got some good feedback after all. The boss drove me back home that evening, since Sarah headed straight for Vermont after the meeting. And I didn't even have to talk about the decision tree! Hooray!

Saturday was actual Halloween and it was spooky weather, all windy and rainy. I stayed in with the roommates and watched horror movies and ate pumpkin cheesecake!

Health note: I don't have swine flu yet, even though its apparently running rampant through NH - yay!

Dog note: Edith (aka Fatso) is doing so well. She comes to work with me most every day and is making good progress in our training sessions. Did I mention how much I love my dog??

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