its been a while again!

Feb 12, 2005 18:11

Sorry i havent updated in like forever. Well lately i've been trying out for softball and i think we will know on Monday if we made it and i really hope i do. Well other than softball i've been writing articles for my intro to journalism class and its interesting to find out some of the stuff that other people are doing. Like i had to write an article on Chalmers Rogers, and the Varsity Game. The next one i am doing is on parking passes and already everyone i talk to seems to hate them. I'm getting all a's and b's now my only B is in Computers its better than the F i used to have. I know thats really sad...but uh oh well.

Other then school and softball there isnt really that much going on in my life. I like someone different now. He's really nice and cute. Kinda shy but im willing to over look that. I have made a new good friend. Kassi Efird is in my intro. class and i love her she is great! and i love everything about my life right now it couldnt be better.

Well im going to go watch the Notebook again it's like my favorite movie in the world i love it.. bunches!
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