Sep 27, 2004 18:05
Sorry i haven't updated in a while so of course this will be quite long. Lately i have been going through some interesting stuff..there is this so called "friend" well i thought she was my friend she's really nice and a kind girl but shes been talking so much shit about me and it pisses me off.. what the heck?! but anyway things have been really good i've been haveing a good school life. Homework is totally swamping me and i should be doing some right this very moment bt of course im not. So anyway tons of things have been going on there is this new girl named emily and she's very cool! Well moving grandparents are moving down here Rock Hill to be exact, 20 minutes away to be even more exact this is kinda good but it kinda really sux! My grandma will be within a 20 minutes driving distance from my house this is not good. Yuck! Well i have to go eat some dinner with the entire immediate family.
always comment.
Love alway