Aug 13, 2005 15:55
Okay, maybe it's my fault that I posted a picture of me drinking and wearing next to nothing.
But seriously, I just got a friend request from a guy whose title quote is "I Like to Get My Dick Sucked" and his "Who I'd Like To Meet" is SKINNY WHITE GIRLS.
secret little voice inside: Cool, does that mean I'm skinny?
Seriously though, my evilness is embodied within Myspace. I deny all my sketchy friend requests like bwahahahaha NOOO you cannot be my technological companion. And then I eat almond m&ms...Welcome to my life post-employment.
I swear I saw Mike on 52nd street. I stopped my rushed imitation-of-a-high-powered-businesswoman walk and totally broke my neck to see him walk by. Who knows if it was him. He might have beaten me up.
I'm in one of those Hey, Let's Completely Make Myself Over stages...I'm also in a stage where I miss my college life so much I can't staaand it. I miss doing girly things with Kasia and ordering in Koi and complaining about walking to chapter and hitting on non-responsive guys at the Deuce.
Oy vay...I was thinking about this last night while watching Hitch and getting all love-yearny (oy, a word?) and thinking "HMM allison maybe if you hadn't been so horrible to that nice boy who was so wonderful to you..."
But isn't that the story of my life?
I'm seriously pondering how to integrate my love of nutrition and fitness (aka my pseudo eating disorder and obsession with endorphins) into my future career as a journalist and sex-goddess wife. I will either scrap journalism altogether and teach aerobics, scrap journalism and take chemistry classes to become a certified nutritionist (highly unlikely, but it would put me into more potential contact with a certain chem major I'm quite fond of), or write for Shape or Self.
ORRRRRR stop taking myself so seriously! going crazy going crazy needamanbye