my life lately...

Apr 05, 2005 20:22

Let's see.. Friday I went to Laura's B-day party. That was ok. I didn't really know anyone and there was drugs and alochohol which was uncool. I hate being around that stuff. Then Saturday I got my haircut. Then hung out with Nicki all day. Then went to Morp. That was ok too. Tons of people drank, which was horrible. When I was in the bathroom this girls eyes rolled in the back of her head and then she passed out and then went and threw up. Which was an awful thing to witness. I hate how everyone thinks they need to drink/do drugs to have fun or to make problems go away. 1. you might have a funner time, but what fun is it to not know what's goin on and feeling sick. 2. your problems won't go away they might while your drunk/high/stoned/faded or whatever but they come back and might even get worse. haha.. ok I'm done sorry for the lecture.

YAY!! Choir tour is tomorrow. I'll be in Cali tomorrow till sunday morning so I'll chat with you all then. I'm so excited. I hope I can hang out with Danny while I'm up there. He is soo.. ahhh I can't describe it he is just so great. OMG! AIMS is Tuesday and Wednesday next week. The math part.. ugh I hate math. Hopefully I do good. Well, I'm done.. peace out girl scouts.
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