The Loveland Legacy 3.1

Oct 21, 2013 22:44

Welcome back to the second update! I'll make sure to state the stats regarding the generation
challenge in the start and in the end of each update. Both for myself and for you to remember.
Dating is important businezz right? :P

Generation 4 (3): Hate the Playa…
Better have that gypsy’s number on speed dial!
Your heir must go on 3 dream dates and 3 horrible dates.

Current Stats: 1 Dream Date
0 Horrible Dates

Tallullah (argh Keoni!) got this awesome (?) gift from Jake after their Dream Date. xD

A great way to start a day apparently.

A blonde hottie, namely George Blondie by slyndsey, walked by when hour heiress got home from

No more dirty plates? Hell yeeah! Must be a special school though. x)

This dance thing is cool but if you want boys to notice you it's really a bad thing to have. Tallullah
made sure to sell is as soon as George fell out of it again.

Well, that's better! Can you resist the incredible charms of Tallllllullllah?

Charming as doll!

Well, maybe not all the time..

They had a rather nice evening but..

..but there's something lacking in their way of communicating. x)

Bummer, an OK date doesn't take us anywhere!

New day, new adventures!

Headmistress? Oh yeah! Who says you have to be qualified?

Tallullah is becoming good friends with the matchmaker. :P

She also isn't very rich our miss T.


We don't want to repeat her old boss said to her but it wasn't nice. No, not nice at all.


Same to you!

Tallullah poured herself a drink to calm her nerves.

Wonderful dinner darling.

Haven't you done enough?

Christ! Who does such a thing? xD

Classy Tallullah burps after drinking before work. I'm worried that she's drinking too much..

More drinks.. And a new guy! His name is Edwin and he is made by Starlla. They didn't go on
any date though.

Some new furniture!

Do you remember this red haired, geeky guy from the restaurant? His name is Georgie.
Tallullah isn't always the easiest person to talk to but Georgie doesn't give up right away.

Tallullah decides that she'll give Georgie a chance and asks him on a date.

Well, what do you say miss T, is he Dream Date material?

Pillow fighting, this is bound to be a dream date. At least if you follow the rules of the sim universe!


Aww, but he is a cutie!

I love his geeky shirt!

Ooooh. That was fast! Well, sim logic is sim logic after all..

Not surprising that the guy enjoys when he gets too woohoo on the first date! xD

*loud kissing noises*

Tallullah really has some thinking to do now.

Another bouquet! <3

On the phone with her best friend. Guess who? The matchmaker! I bet she calls to hear about
Tallullah's latest conquests.

New lights in the bedroom.

Another ridiculous gift!

Haha, so random. I love this game!

Current Stats: 2 Dream Dates
1 Horrible Date

round robin, loveland, the sims 2, legacy

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