The Duckworth Legacy 1.12

Nov 08, 2012 22:28

Penelope has found her teenage love interest. His name is Archibald. :P

They're cute though.

And ACR kicked in immediately, of course. I really don't like how sims have no shame
but uses their parents bed to woohoo. x)

Vladimir and Jodey, the same day...

The life of a stay-at-home-dad.

Way to go Jodey!

These twins are gamerz, for realz!

Looking satisfied since he just sold his first masterpiece.

They got a pool!

I've neglected Vladimir's OTH which is Nature but  I thought it would be suiting for him to
spend his hours collecting bugs these days.

She's reading Harry Potter, I knew it!

Lottie, that's this cute girl's name!

She and Penny are soon becoming best friends. Talking about girls stuff.

This girl is so cute!

I wonder how many days that will pass until there's infants in this house once more..

Another hobby girl visit. I love that Vladimir looks like an old man. ^^

Penny decides to wake up her mum early one morning with a noisy computer game. How kind..

And then it is time for Jodey and Vladimir to celebrate their anniversary! This is Vladimir's LTW.


Jodey has a hard time with the dancing. But their elderly friends seems to enjoy their time!

And Penny is innapropriate again!

And then some strawberry pie.

Penny decides to tell her mum what she feels about aliens.. Be careful Penny, you never know what 
the future will bring.

Vladimir had obviously peeked at Charlie through the telescope. That's one hell of a telescope!
Charlie didn't appreciate it though and cam over to shout at his dad. He obviously thinks that 
Vladimir stepped over the line of privacy. x)

They got a hot tub!

And I upgraded their kitchen some.

Penny invites Archibald over to ask him if they can go steady. She wants to be sure when
she moves to college in a couple of days.

He says yes!

All the swimming pays off!

It's summer and Penny went jogging. A bit hot maybe..

And then came their last evening together. It's time for Penny and Colin to move to college!

This is when I realize that I haven't taken a lot of pictures of Colin during this week. Poor Colin.
He's only been playing video games the whole week though so..

And they were gone.

First day of autumn and first day of when the house is all empty.

It's a beautiful day! Vladimir and Joedy are enjoying their time on their own very much.

This is what their garden looks like at this point.

Vladimir makes new friends all the time. This is Jake, he's a townie made by an_nas

And Vladimir misses the sound of video games and decides to give it a try.

Next up: Charlie's last days at college and Penny's and Colin's move-in!

duckworth, the sims 2, mintspring, legacy

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