Week 2 - Hall

Apr 27, 2012 18:57

It's a couple of days left until Freya's birthday. She seems to be a happy little plant baby.

Elsie practices her charisma skill. Much needed in the political career.

Plantsim and winter isn't really a good combo. Poor child.

Catherine on a visit.

And someone else is apparently also visiting. Secretly visiting Elsie's bed. Who might it be?

It's a pity I hadn't put in my plantsim default before Freya was born but I love her anyway. We don't need 
everything to be perfect!

Gossiping about Engelbert, always poor Engelbert. ^^

Time for Freya to grow up

I think I'd react somewhat the same if a child just turned into an adult in my presence. x)

Cardiff is cheating on Anne! That wasn't in my book! But I kinda like this love drama that is building!



I got Elsie her job back now that Freya is grown up. Let's hope she manages to keep it at bit longer this time.

Winter and plantsims...

I got bored of the plantsim thing, might change her back when summer arrives. :)

Human Freya hits it off with Harris.


Harris, Harris, Harris. Elsie needs to become best friends with Harris to lock up the electricity and stuff so 
it's actually really good that he and Freya is such good "friends". :)

Freya was stuck in bad mood. I didn't realize it was a glitch at first so I felt really sorry for her and thought that
she might be sad because she wanted to be a plantsim after all.

She had nightmares. I didn't even know a sim could have nightmares. I felt for her.

Mmm, hot mailman.

It's lonely at times.

Freya spends her days digging up bones. Just as Engelbert.. I think that's the only thing that exist, no treasures

Harris came by again, such a nice looking guy..

Awesome picture! x) So Freya thinks Harris is yummy and Elsie 
got promoted. That's so much win. :D

Freestylin! Harris was totally awkward.

And Freya decided that this household needed more heat.

She was a fierce fire fighter though!



Hello attraction.

First kiss!

The reason why I don't think this is a bad idea even though Harris already has a child (Nelson) with Catherine
is that Catherine is a romance sim and she doesn't want to be only with him. Harris on the other hand rolls a lot
of wants to get married and such so I figured he'd just as well find someone who wants the same things as he does.

They're such love birds!


Success! No electricity and running water is unlocked!

They got a TV. :)

This is what the house looks like at this point.

Building logic skill, doing the crossword. It's a slow progress indeed.


Aww, you two. <3

Elsie is so dedicated. This town is going to survive and it's going to prosper!

Uh - oh..

Makes sense.

Elsie looks really good in that suit/dress.


This household is spending loads of time digging for treasures but so far not so much luck. Mostly bones
and rocks.

Sam and Anne is visiting. :)

Anne is easily scared by the TV.

Freya's bedroom is ready for a baby.

Pop 2!

Elsie's bedroom.

Elsie doesn't get along with everybody.

It's time!

This is Bob. Another boy. So far I've got 5 boys and 1 girl.

I wonder if Catherine knows that this child shares his father with her Nelson?

Such a satisfied little boy.

And this is the end of week two in the Hall household. It was a fun and exciting week. Progress was made!

Notes: I'm really satisfied with the progress I made this week with the Hall's. Electricity and running water is really nice. Next up is the Osheai family. Cardiff will no longer be part of that since he and Anne had triplets I think it's more convenient that he lives at 
the Kings house. So we'll see what Cardiff and Piretta is up too. Maybe Piretta will get herself a Sam child before he settles with Aofie?

week 2, bacc, the sims 2, mistmoor, hall

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