В ближайшие две недели у меня запланировны три конференции в разных местах, - извините, если не смогу быстро отвечать на письма и звонки. Но все события интересные, жду пищи для размышлений.
International Workshop - The Historical “Dispute of the New World”, September 10-11 2015, Torino, Italy.
Joint Research Project of University of Eastern Piedmont and San Paolo Bank.
THE HISTORICAL “DISPUTE OF THE NEW WORLD.” European Historians of the United States and European History, Culture and Public Life.
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi.
Thursday, September 10
Chair: Montserrat Huguet Santos (University Carlos III, Madrid)
Ivan Kurilla, European University at St. Petersburg
Russia and the United States: Diplomacy, Technological Exchanges and Mutual Image Construction
Tvrko Jacovina, University of Zagreb
“Where, in Hell, is America?”Yugoslav Historians on the USA: Between Migration and Selected Political Topics.
Marcin Fatalski, Jagellonian University, Krakow
From Politicized Historiography to Pluralistic Debate? Studies on US history in Poland after the Second World War
Člověk v tísni a Prague Civil Society Centre vás zvou na Forum 2000. Tuesday 15 September, Prague
Nature of education systems in authoritarian regimes
Tuesday 15 September, 14.00 - 15.30, Goethe Institute, Masarykovo nábř. 32, Prague
Participants: Tamara Matskevich (Belarus), Muhammad Tahir (Turkmenistan), Ivan Kurilla (Russia), Altay Goyushov (Azerbaijan)
PONARS Eurasia Policy Conference 2015, September 18-19, 2015 | GW Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC....
Panel 2: The Ideology of Russian Power
Ivan Kurilla, European University at St. Petersburg
New Historical Politics in Russia: From Crimea to Victory Day Celebration and Beyond
Marlene Laruelle, The George Washington University
Trajectory of the Russkii Term: Messianism in the Russian State Language
Viatcheslav Morozov, University of Tartu (Estonia)
What is the Meaning of “National” in the Russian Debate about the National Interest?
Sufian Zhemukhov, The George Washington University
Is There A Link? The 2014 Sochi Olympics and the Annexation of Crimea