"...a rich source of Russian scholarship from the hinterland"

Dec 17, 2012 16:13

Норман Сол написал рецензию на "опус магнум" В.В.Согрина в Journal of American History. Там есть любопытное для нас:

"...Yet more scholarly study of American history, in all of its aspects, is being done in Russia than anywhere outside the United States; unfortunately, few American historians know anything about it, nor of the recent conferences devoted to American history, for example, one in Volgograd on Russia and the American Civil War in October 2011, at which Sogrin presented a political analysis of the war. Nor are American historians aware of the fundamental work of Russians in such periodicals as Amerikanskii Ezhegodnik (American yearbook), edited by Sogrin and published by the Academy of Sciences, and Amercana, a rich source of Russian scholarship from the hinterland (Volgograd)".

Волгоград, Американа, университет

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