Title: Angels Fly Alone: Snippets.
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz Glühen/ Kyou Kara Maou (AU)
Warnings: Angst, yaoi, and right down depressing
Characters/couples: Mamoru(Omi)/Yuuri, Shouri, OCs.
Rating: PG13 after sex and violence and general unhappiness.
Notes: Because, really. Why should I limit Maths to break my brain, when I can write this bloody depressing thing and break my heart too? Just several snippets to have them here. Maaaaaybe one day the'll be worked out into some sort of timeline.
BTW, don't listen to
srgt_s_venom, this time I'm truly the innocent one.
Lover I Can't Love.
Inoue Karin-san is a fellow teacher. They both started giving classes at the same time, only that Karin-san taught to the sixth graders and he taught to the second graders. Perhaps it should've been the other way around, most people think at first, since Yuuri's energetic behaviour seemed to be more fit to the sixth graders while Karin-san's soft voice and demanor speaks of gentleness towards the small children. They both prove them wrong, of course, since Yuuri's cheer is more than enough to keep entertained his thirty students and Karin's patience and ability to freeze students by just raising an eyebrow are more than enough to control the pre-adolescents into obeying.
They become fast friends, too. Perhaps it's because Yuuri can't stop making friends, or perhaps it's because Karin keeps on making a huge bento that she says she won't ever be able to end. Yuuri's kind of surprised to discover that he and Karin had gone to the same College for a while until she won a schoolarship and moved to America, but the brief time they were classmates was during the time that he wasn't himself and she comments on that too, that he seems so much livelier now, so much more cheerful and he gives a sheepish laugh and thanks her for the food.
Truth is that he never dated again during College (Aki doesn't count), and he spent most of his time studying and exercising and forcing his body into doing everything he could think of to stay alive, to move on, to keep forward until it stopped being a thought and it became just rutine.
Still, Yuuri never thinks about dating Karin-san. She's the cute type he doesn't care about anymore, with dark blonde hair (her mother is from England, she explains one of the first times they share of her lunch) and gray eyes, and she's sweet and she seems a good listener and the type of person that becomes a friend first and foremost until there's a point where you can't believe you didn't know each other before. She's kind and smart and fragile and Yuuri doesn't allow himself to even consider the thought of dating her because he knows better now, and because he knows that Karin-san deserves better, not someone that won't be able to love her for who she is, but only for who she isn't.
He only asks her out after he and Mamoru become 'acquainted' again (because Mamoru had said that, that they were old acquaintances and he doesn't allow himself either to think that it had hurt), in the hopes that perhaps it'll help.
The necklace drops from his pocket and Yuuri blushes, tries to pick it up but it's closer to Mamoru so he picks it up first. Yuuri is painfully aware of how his blush deepends and he sticks his hands inside his pockets to try and don't fidget. He kind of wishes for a cigarette and he rarely smokes.
Mamoru eyes the necklace but Yuuri doesn't turn to see him: he doesn't want to know what look it's getting, if it's one of those breathes the the man he used to love gives or if it's a calculated look over the material value of sentimental crap that somewhat as Takatori Mamoru probably has..
"You kept it." It's Mamoru's voice, mostly. There's barely a hint of Omi's tone in there and now Yuuri's sure he would like a cigarette, please, and even maybe a beer.
"When I got it, I promised I would always keep it." He answers, hand still inside his pockets and curled into fists, nails digging to his palms. He's not a teenager anymore, he's a grown up, he's an adult, and he shouldn't let something like this affect him.
Still, his voice lowers and he looks towards the man behind him through the reflection of the window and, for a second, he thinks he sees Omi there. "I always keep my promises."
It's easy to keep the differences between 'Omi' and 'Mamoru', and Yuuri is almost thankful of that, since he thinks he might go crazy without them. These days, when they have sex, it's always him the one on the bottom. He doesn't complain, doesn't say anything about it, and he just tries to focus on the way it's different from what he knew, and he tries to ignore how it's the first time since he was nineteen that he's having sex that doesn't feel as if he's cheating on somebody else.
For this one, the OC's:
Reiko- Shouri's wife.
Kichiro 'Chiro' - Six years old.
Hoshi - Three years old.
The kids stay on and off with Yuuri because of Shouri's job.
Mamoru was surprised when Yuuri wasn't over the hotel room as they had agreed to be, even a little annoyed. He picked up his phone, checking the inbox, a slight frown upon his face. There was a message from Yuuri, at least. His voice sounded scared, shocked, and he identified a few hospital noises on the background.
"I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it tonight; Hoshi is in the hospital, her fever went up and... sorry, I won't be able to be there. I know I said I could but Shouri and Reiko-neesan haven't arrived yet and I can't get hold on my parents and Chiro's scared and... can I pretend we're friends, Mamoru, even if it's only for a moment? Because I'd really like a friend now, even if we're not... Hoshi is so little and she's scared but she barely cried, and she has saline stuck to her arm and... fuck. You know I hate hospitals. Ehe. Chiro fell asleep by his sister's bed and I just... nevermind, I'm sorry for bothering you. Feel free to call me to reschedule."
And the call ends with a soft click, even if Mamoru is almost certain of how Yuuri was when he made that call, and he keeps hearing the way Yuuri adressed his name, without any kind honorific.
He takes a few hurried steps to the door before he catches himself before a slip, and isntead takes a few deep breaths, just before he erases the call from his voice-mail.