Title: Angels Fly Alone: Phantom Limb.
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz Glühen/ Kyou Kara Moau
Warnings: ANGST. Goddamn bunny of hell.
Characters/couples: Yuuri, mentions of others, implied Yuuri/Omi.
Summary: Omi took part of himself when he left, and he’s not sure how to fill the void and he has nothing but will to try and get through it.
Rating: PG13.
Phantom Limb. )
Comments 2
and he tells himself that he’s going to take off that necklace soon; that any day now he’s going to drop it into one box and never think about it again.
Even though I knew that would probably be the healthy thing for him to do, I kind of didn't want him to. So the fact that he kind of never does... that really touched my heart.
*stubbornly continues to use Conrad icon* ;)
Now the angst keeps on growing and plotting more things, and, really, breaking Yuuri like this should be forbidden. I mean, Conrad-arc-of-betrayal-broken but MORE. Waaah. I'm evil and this damn bunny pwns me and enjoys the knowledge. And, really, it ends up with Yuuri doing a lot of non-healthy things.
*g* But it's great to know someone else is reading this! :D thanks.
You're not going to hear me complain about the Conrad icon ;D
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