Title: Angels Fly Alone: He Is. Fandom: Weiß Kreuz Glühen/ Kyou Kara Moau Warnings: Angst. ANGST. Characters/couples: Yuuri, Omi. (Yuuri/Omi) Summary: Yuuri is a lot of things. Rating: PG13. Notes:
Oh, Allira! This is really beautiful, so poignant - and in that last line, so hopeful. It gave me a little shiver, that final sentence. I still have an ache in my throat.
And of course, I love your characterization of Yuri, especially this bit:
even if he's not aware of the fact, it's hard to get mad at him, and he would laugh at this but it's even harder to forget him.
Yes, that's our Yuri. ♥ Thank you for sharing this!
Comments 2
And of course, I love your characterization of Yuri, especially this bit:
even if he's not aware of the fact, it's hard to get mad at him, and he would laugh at this but it's even harder to forget him.
Yes, that's our Yuri. ♥ Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you for reading!
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