Silly AUs cheer me up.

Nov 07, 2010 00:12

Give me a pairing or character(s) from any fandom you know I'm familiar with, and I'll write you a few lines about them AT HOGWARTS!

Once I answer you can leave another prompt and so on and so forth.

meme: fanfic

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sakanagi November 7 2010, 11:51:04 UTC
Lavi from D.Gray-man?


allira_dream November 7 2010, 12:07:54 UTC
His grandfather tells him that they're not going to be at England for long, that, at most, it'll be for the year until he finishes the research the Ministry asked him for, his silent 'don't get too attached' there in his serious face, which really, Lavi knows that already.

Still, a year is pretty much the longest Lavi has been in a long time. The idea of being a whole year at only one place is mind blowing: in the two years since he got his wand (because he's been learning about magic since he learned to read) he's been at Salem and Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and at THREE other schools when they were traveling through Asia. Out of his thirteen years, they've been traveling, easily, nine of them.

So he gets sorted in private, hours before the rest of the students arrive, the young principal being way too smiley at him, as if that could hide the intelligence behind his glasses as he puts on the hat.

'You are very interesting, aren't you?' the hat says. Lavi sort of wishes it didn't sound like a hot woman, because that makes him ( ... )


sakanagi November 7 2010, 12:14:44 UTC
Oh, very nice! Good characterisation - especially the 'because people act weird if you don't smile, even if there's nothing to smile about' bit, and Lavi really would suit that setting, I think. I liked the focus on the sorting hat.

Now I sort of want to read an entire D.Gray-man characters at Hogwarts AU. (I'm sure they must exist; I'm just sure that 99.9% of them aren't worth reading.) I wonder which houses the other characters would be sorted into.


allira_dream November 7 2010, 12:27:24 UTC
Thank you! It's always fun to get into Lavi's mind before he started getting tamed.

Kanda: Gryffindor
Lenalee: Either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, although I'd go with Gryffindor, I think,
Miranda: if she's a student, Hufflepuff. If she's a teacher, a very nervous, very young Muggle Studies teacher.
Krory: if he's a student, Hufflepuff. If he's a teacher, Herbology.
Allen: the most Gryffindor but sorted in Slytherin student you'll ever see. He spends his whole life blaming Cross for that.
Link: Ravenclaw.
Mari: Was a Ravenclaw, now he teaches Arithmency.
Chaoji: Gryffindor.
Timothy: Slytherin.
Cross: Head of Slytherin, Transfiguration
Cloud Nyne: Head of Ravenclaw, Care of Magical Creatures.
Tiedoll: Head of Hufflepuff, Charms.
Zokaro: Head of Gryffindor, DADA

Sheryl: He works at the Ministry. Used to be a Slytherin.
Road: Slytherin.
Tyki: Gryffindor
Jasdero and Devit: Hufflepuff.


sakanagi November 7 2010, 12:50:50 UTC
XD I think Gryffindor would be feared far and wide, with Socalo in charge of it. Although Cross in charge of Slytherin would be frightening too. And Klaud in charge of...okay, all four of the Generals would make impressive house heads. I'm not hugely well-informed about the Harry Potter series, but I do remember something about DADA teachers tending to meet a bad end. I really don't think that would happen to Socalo. :p

I'm sure that Allen would be lamenting being stuck in Slytherin with Road! I can see how he'd manage to get sorted into Slytherin, even though he's very Gryffindor-y too. I just had a quick look at a Harry Potter wiki to check, and it said that Slytherin traits include "Ambition, cunning, determination, resourcefulness" and that does fit Allen very well, I must say.


allira_dream November 7 2010, 21:10:11 UTC
There was supposed to be a curse, but I'm sure that Sokaro LAUGHS in it's face. LAUGH I tell you.

And yeah, that's exactly why I decided to put Allen in Slytherin even though he also has a lot of Gryffindor-like qualities.


abe_chan November 8 2010, 00:19:15 UTC
Sokaro will punch the curse in the face, eat it alive and then run around killing evil things for two days straight with the raw power that it gives him.

He will makes one hell of a scary teacher to have... >____>;


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