So I finally saw Inception.
THE GLORIOUS, GLORIOUS META. *rolls all over it* Ooooh Ariadne how I loved thee. And prrrr Cobb and Saitoh do keep with that power play please, I didn't get enough. Did I mention my love for Ariadne? It's kind of important for me to stress this because I LOVED ARIADNE. I might have made squeeful noises about both Arthur/Ariadne and Cobb/Ariadne.
Also, tell me someone already wrote the Sandman/Inception fic. No wait, on second thougts, don't tell me, 'cause I'm already writing it. *roooooooolls all over that*
Random, I just got the 'YOUR PAID ACCOUNT IS DYING' mail from LJ. Sob, my account is dying on my _birthday_. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
And now I have to go to my classes.