Two meme

May 17, 2010 16:59

- Post your desktop.
- Let your friends ask anything about it. Icons, wallpapers, programs, settings - whatever you have!


Pick 12 characters without looking at the questions below the cut. Then post your answers.

Be warned: there are 50 questions, so this is not a quick meme, and some of the topics covered are borderline NSFW.

1. Wolfram (Kyou Kara Maou)
2. Labrador (07 Ghost)
3. Jenny (Doctor Who)
4. Chuck (Pushing Daisies)
5. Shin (Persona Trinity Soul)
6. Yuuko (xxxHOLiC)
7. Ginji (GetBackers)
8. Ianto (Torchwood)
9. Lavi (D.Gray-man)
10. Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club)
11. Regal (Tales of Symphonia)
12. Kamui (X/1999)

1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven (Yuuko/Regal) fic? Do you want to?
Never read it, but ooooooh it could be fun.

2) Do you think Four (Labrador) is hot? How hot?
Uh, not hot? Pretty, yes. But not hot.

3) What would happen if Twelve (Kamui) got Eight (Ianto) pregnant?
It's one of those huge FML moments that seem to be always around Kamui. Ianto assures him that it most likely wasn't his fault and it was something Torchwood did, so it's most likely an alien pregnancy. Not that that HELPS Kamui, though, but he'd try to help as much as he possibly could.

(Possibly by not killing Jack with how he keeps talking about That One Time he was pregnant and all)

4) Do you recall any good fics about nine (Lavi)?
Yep! Many of them, but I'm lazy and I don't wanna go and search.

5) Would Two (Labrador) and Six (Yuuko) make a good couple?
Noooot really. Good friends, yes, and they share tea a lot, but not more than that.

6) Five/Nine (Shin/Lavi) or Five/Ten (Shin/Haruhi)? Why?
Well... Shin would top Lavi with the whole zen puppy but that wouldn't make Lavi HAPPY since apparently Protagonists with soulful eyes are one of his weaknesses so he'd bitch and fight and with the way Shin actually LISTENS... yeah, Lavi wouldn't be happy at all.

On the other hand, Shin and Haruhi... they'd be friends, more than a couple, really. They'd get along great and talk a lot and laugh, but there wouldn't be actually any spark, with how dorky they both are with romantic relationships.

So by default over the fact that one would actually BE a couple, Shin/Lavi.

7) What would happen if Seven (Ginji) walked in on Two (Labrador) and Twelve (Kamui) having sex?
(Lab, I'm so sorry that you're the only one apparently getting these questions, I swear I didn't know)

Ginji'd just scramble to apologize and close the door and perhaps he'd be a bit awkward about interrupting but he'd apologize again later and be okay with it.

... Kamui, however, probably doesn't come out from under his bed again EVER.

8) Make a summary of at least twenty words for a Three/Ten (Jenny/Haruhi) fic.
After her spaceship crashes in the famous Ouran High School, the host club decides to hide Jenny's alien-ness by saying she's Tamaki's English cousin. Jenny, adoring the idea of posing as a normal student, has to stay at Haruhi's place.

..... fuck, now I want to write that. *bites things*

9) Is there any such thing as One/Eight (Wolfram/Ianto) fluff?
Pffft, no.

10) Suggest a title for a One/Five (Wolfram/Shin) Hurt/Comfort fic.
Tame Your Heart. AKA, Shin's zen makes Wolfram .////. a lot.

11) What kind of plot would you use for a Three/Eleven (Jenny/Regal) fic?
INDIANA JONES LIKE. Full of adventure and fight and probably finding a treasure and then Jenny tells Regal a thing or two that they could do with his handcuffs and Regal's blush never stops.

12) Does anyone on your friends list read number Seven (Ginji) het? What about Nine (Lavi) slash?
I want to say that yes to Ginji-het but I have this fear that any Ginji-het would be marysue fic. Lavi slash, fuck yes.

13) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight (Ianto), what song would you choose?
Billie Holiday, They Can't Take That Away From Me. 'The way your smile just beams, the way you sing of key, the way you hold my dreams, no no they can't take that away from me. We may never never meet again on the bumpy road to love, but still I'll always always keep the memory of the way you hold your knife, the way we danced 'til three, the way you changed my life, they can't take that away from me'

14) If you wrote a Two/Three/Six (Labrador/Jenny/Sokka) fic, what would the warning be?
... Lab's tea being mae of pot, probably?

15) What would be a good pick-up line for Two (Labrador) to use on Ten (Haruhi)?
He'd just offer her tea. Or maybe a flower-candy. N-not actual picking up.

16) Challenge: Write a drabble-fic for Ten/Eight (Haruhi/Ianto).
Mansion-verse, because I can.

It's late when she comes back from the cafeteria, and she's tired. Haruhi sighs, wondering about the chances for Remy or Regal to still be at the kitchen. Usually she makes her own food, thinking that she shouldn't take advantage just because she can, but she's tired enough that at the moment she doesn't think she'd say no.

They aren't at the kitchen, though, but there is Ianto-san, pouring a cup of coffee as he reads a book. He looks up and smiles at her, and over her tiredness Haruhi can muster up a smile for him as well.

"Tough day?"

"Tamaki-senpai and Jenny-san turned into dogs," Haruhi says, sitting down even if she fears she might never get to stand up again.

"That explains why I didn't see her today," Ianto says with a soft chuckle. He puts down his book, though, moving towards the keetle. "I'll make you some tea, and there's scones, if you don't mind."

"... thank you," she says, smiling. Ianto bows his head a bit before he puts the keetle on the stove.

17) Would you ever write a Nine/Seven (Lavi/Ginji) fic?
Well, Ginji is the kind of earnest that Lavi would find fun to poke, and then Ginji would top Lavi since Ginji's emotional intelligence is great and Lavi is an idiot when it comes to feelings.

18) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four (Chuck) to de-flower One (Wolfram)?
... man. Uh... an AU where Chuck is a half blood in Shin Makoku? And she keeps reminding Wolfram of Julia in that sort-of-crush he never actually admitted to having nor did he ever got over with and Chuck teases him a lot and eventually they just. You know. Have sex.

(Of course, this being Chuck, she ends up dying. Sry Wolf)

19) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Ginji) slash?

20) Does anyone on your friends list read Three (Jenny) het?
Is there even any Jenny fic out there? There should be )=

21) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Regal)?
No-one pays attention to Regal .-.

22) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five (Labrador/Chuck/Shin)?
Pffft no.

23) What might Ten (Haruhi) scream at a moment of great passion?
"Senpai, your sparkles are blinding me"
(What? The moment of great passion would be Tamaki's, of course)

24) When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Shin)?
Ages and ages. *sobs*

25) What is Six's (Yuuko) super-secret kink?
I don't think she does secret kinks, really.

26) Would Eleven (Regal) shag Nine (Lavi)? Drunk or sober?
Regal would never shag anyone drunk. And he's mostly straight, IMO, so probably not.

27) If Three (Jenny) and Seven (Ginji) get together, who tops?
Jenny =D

28) "One (Wolfram) and Nine (Lavi) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Lavi) suddenly runs off with Four (Chuck). One (Wolfram), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Regal) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Kamui), then follows the wise advice of Five (Shin) and finds true love with Two (Labrador)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.

'Nina's muses hate this meme'. IDK, if it was cracky enough probably the mansion people would read it.

29) How would you feel if Seven/Eight (Ginji/Ianto) was canon?

30) Does Ten (Haruhi) strike you as a voyeur or an exhibitionist?
Neither, thank you.

31) Who of the list would Eleven (Regal) most likely bottom to?
Yuuko, Chuck and Jenny. Regal lieks toppy women, what can I say.

32) Would you rather do Three (Jenny)or Five (Shin)?
... can't I choose both?

UM. I'm going with Jenny since it'd be a casual fling of really great and fun and possibly acrobatic sex.

33) Which of Four (Chuck) and One (Wolfram) would you rather have do you?
CHUCK. *_*

34) Twelve (Kamui) and Two (Labrador) are having sex in an airplane. Construct a snippet of dialogue that happens during this encounter.
... this meme realy ships Kamui and Labrador, huh.

... I really can't think of what they'd say, sorry XD. I mean, Kamui would be quiet in sex and Labrador'd be too so even assuming they'd actually have sex like that, I can't imagine them actually talking.

35) How much would you pay to see naked pictures of Eleven (Regal)? Have you? Where can the rest of us find these pictures?
Pay? Nothanks.

36) Where are Five (Shin) and Nine (Lavi) most likely to have sex?
Outside, Lavi riding Shin and sort of wishing that Shin would stop with the whole looking at him as if he could watch into his soul.

37) When Twelve (Kamui) masturbates, whom does he/she think about?
He tries not to think too much, actually, since if he thinks about Fuuma it ends up messing him up more, and then if he thinks about Subaru it's also kind of downer.

38) What is Eleven's (Regal) favorite sex toy?
I say handcuffs count.

39) Come up with a title for a Twelve/Seven/One (Kamui/Ginji/Wolfram) threeway. Would you read it? Would you write it? What would some of the warnings be?

Before the End.

AU breaking up fic, Kamui Ginji and Wolfram have been friends-fuckbuddies for a while now but it's all ending: Wolfram is in huge denial about liking this other guy, Ginji admits to the fact that he's falling in love with Ban and Kamui has a shitlod of issues as well.

So before they 'break up', they have one last time.

40) Who's more likely to be tied up during (consensual) sex, Two (Labrador) or Six (Yuuko)?
I refuse to answer kthnx

41) If Eleven (Regal) and Three (Jenny) are carrying on a torrid and forbidden love affair, who's most likely to spill the beans? What would the other person do to retaliate?
Jenny, probably, without really taking notice. She'd be happily talking about something or the other and then by mistake she'd add about how Regal likes his handcuffs and then she says 'whoops wasn't supposed to say anything'.

Regal doesn't really retaliate as much as die of embarrasment, in a way.

42) As a birthday present, seven's(Ginji) longtime lover five (Shin) offers to do whatever seven (Ginji) wants in bed. What's seven's (Ginji's) secret birthday wish?

43) Choose a food item for Four (Chuck) & Twelve (Kamui) to use together.

44) Eight (Ianto) and Four (Chuck) are in a fulltime D/s relationship. Who's the top?
Chuck. Ianto ALSO likes toppy women.

45) Which fetish is Nine (Lavi) least likely to indulge?
Crossdressing nor knife(blood)play

46)a What would you do if you had Eight (Ianto) naked, willing, and ready in your bed?
..... =D

46)b What would Five (Shin) do if he/she had Eight (Ianto) naked, willing and able in his/her bed?
Flail and get him a blanket and be sure that it's Mansion doing something weird again (Jack laughs his ass off)

47) Ten (Haruhi) gets a tattoo to declare his/her eternal love for Nine (Lavi). Where is it? What does it say?
Uh. I don't think Haruhi'd get a tattoo, ever? So.

48) Imagine that Two (Labrador) writes erotic Eleven/Six (Regal/Yuuko) fic. What sort of summary might the fic he/she writes have?
D/s, Yuuko gives Regal the submission he desires.

49) If Two (Labrador) walked into the room wearing nothing but a red thong and a feather boa, how would Eight (Ianto) react?

Vine attack to keep Ianto from moving while Lab thinks that mansion is seriously upping the crack dose in the events.

50) Who's Four's (Chuck) secret admirer?
Ianto, sometimes Regal.

meme: characters, meme: me

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