Bullet points because I'm not feeling very literate right now.

Jun 21, 2009 03:22

* The painkillers the doctor gave me if my foot hurt too much made me sleep around 6 hours. I-if it bothers me again, I think I'm only going to have half the dosage.

* I took VintagePictures from my watchlist, which makes me sad because most of the pictures shown there are wonderful. Some of them are inspiring, some of them are beautiful, some of them are terrifying... but seriously. On one hand people who immediately accuse others of COMPLOT!11!1! without even bothering to think if it might be an unfortunate coincidence, on the other hand people brandishing their priviledge and showcasing it over and over and over... I'll just wait until the wank is over and then I'll friend it again.

* TWO STORIES TO GO TO FINISH SPK. Ohmydeargod, I don't know why I had so much troubles with it this time. It's probably the whole job hunting sucking out my will to LIVE, let alone spend time in fun-pretendy hobbies.

* I wrote (Terminator)Kyle->John fic. Considering how much I love Terminator (yes, all of them, shush) and all, I think I should probably feel bad about that.
*tries to feel bad*

Oh, well. C'est la vie.

comm: springkink, rant: stupidity, me: it's all about me

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