(no subject)

May 18, 2009 16:20

Job: Still no luck. It's getting quite frustrating, sigh.

Socializing: My problem with it is that I can't find my happy middle. In one hand I have my 'Extremely Political Everything Is A Complot' Friends. On the other hand I have the 'Don't Worry Be Hippy' Friends. I wish I could have a happy middle between the two groups.

Also: next time I'm told that it's 'antifeminist' for a woman to chose to be a stay-at-home mom? I'm going to KICK that person really, really hard. REALLY HARD. One day I'll go more in depth about this, perhaps, when I'm actually in the mood for it.

Health: Wrists are better! They're still a little sore, but at least I can write. Sob, I'm so writing-dependant. I feel all itchy if I

Speaking of:

MEME! Gimme a character and fandom and I'll tell you what their perfect day would be like.

meme: fanfic, it's all about me

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