
May 03, 2009 02:27

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Fandom being Ouran High School Host Club, manga version.

1. Last Night on Earth - Delta Goodrem
If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I, I'm gonna love you until the day I die

The thing with Tamaki is that even when his smiles sometimes aren't as honest as he'd say they are, he always means what he says or he wouldn't be saying it at all. His flirting isn't thoughtless and it isn't unkind, which is exactly why he's so popular, why he's the king. It's different than what Haruhi says, somehow when Tamaki says 'thank you' she can feel the words deep inside her, warm and sweet and somehow heavy inside her chest, making her feel that she can't quite breathe as she should.

2. God Help the Outcast - Latinamerican version.
No pido nada, sé sobrevivir; pero hay muchos otros que no son así

"Aha! But my lord, your gift is thoughtless after all! Do you expect that someone like Haruhi who hasn't ever been out of the country would know how to eat foreign food like that!" Hikaru declares, victorious.

Tamaki pales for a moment before he shakes his head and points at Hikaru's present as well.

"And what do you expect Haruhi will be able to do with a MP3 player when she doesn't even have a computer! Oh, her illusions of listening music as she goes and does things the hard commoner way, walking under the inclement weather and trying to find the cheapest place so she can save even one extra yen, all of them will be broken because you were careless as well, Hikaru!"

Hikaru blanches as well, but before he can say anything at all, Haruhi interrupts them both by throwing her shoes at them both.

3. A Final Dream, Trans-Siberian Orchestra
the moon is your guide, the stars they have kissed her as she goes gently by

Tamaki is a great storyteller: he changes his voice according to the characters and his eyes go bright as he tells of heroes adventures, let it be that he's creating the story or actually reading it from a book.

Kyouya looks on as he does this, amazed and amused at the way their classmates gravitate toward him, even if Tamaki is just narrating all the hardships commoners go through just to get some extra food, mentally thinking that Haruhi should find about this as well, though he suspects she won't be as amused.

4. You're Not Alone, Yoko Kanno
I can show a smile, it's not hard to do

"She rejected you?"

Kaoru shrugs. "For what is worthy, she did. She probably didn't really understand what I was saying so... ahaha, I should send Arai-kun a note or something. 'I know how that feels now!'"

Kyouya huffs a soft laughter, not unkind and just a little amused by the last remark, watching as Kaoru sighs, arms behind his head, but the other teen is smiling as well, so instead he asks:

"You won't regret this?"

"What, chosing my brother first?" Kaoru shakes his head. "No. I told Hikaru that I wouldn't forgive him if he went after her half-heartedly and... the same goes for me, I guess. I can't be that much in love with her if I'd rather see my brother with her."

Kyouya nods his head, satisfied. And then he chuckles when Kaoru adds:

"Besides, it'll be much more interesting seeing milord and Hikaru make fools of themselves as they compete against each other."

5. Linger, The Cranberries
You know I'm such a fool for you

Hani blinks as Reiko offers him a black velvet bag, already knowing that it's not going to be candies or anything like that since Reiko never gave him things like that.

Instead he pulls out two quite simple bracelets, one black and gold and the other black and silver. One of them has a bunny charm. The other one has what he thinks is a ghost.

"Thank you, Reiko-chan!" Honey says with a grin, putting on the bracelet with the bunny charm. "Can I put yours on?"

Reiko nods, never blushing, but Honey thinks he sees her hand trembling a little as he touches her wrist to wrap the other bracelet around her wrist.

6. Sunday, Sia
Yeah it will be okay, do nothing today

Sunday One AM and Tamaki stayed on the phone for almost two hours had been panicking because he had heard that it was going to rain really hard during the night and surely Haruhi's tiny commoner's house wasn't going to be able to withold the rain, then worrying that she would end up drowning, or leaving Ouran forever when she and her father couldn't find somewhere to live, and then worrying that if the thunders were too loud Haruhi would be scared and alone and Kyouya ended up hanging up at about 4:30 AM, telling Tachibana-san that if the idiot he had as a best friend called again, to tell him that he was one breath away from losing all kotatsu priviledges for the whole winter.

7. Gymnopedie No. 1, Erik Satie
They all like it when Tamaki plays the piano. It's refreshing, of course, but there's something else that Honey can't quite explain, the way the smiles of all the Hosts changes: Haruhi's goes a little dreamier, Hikaru's a little quieter, Kaoru's much more thoughtful, Kyouya's smile goes calm and Honey usually shares a smile with Mori, seeing all of them so relaxed.

8. Pale September, Fiona Apple
And all my armour failing down, in a pile at my feet

"You're in love! It's not that big deal!" Mio says, and Haruhi shushes her because the walls are really really thin and the least she needs is the landlady telling her dad that she had heard that Haruhi was in love.

"It's a big deal!" Haruhi whispers, desperately trying not to flail the way one of the rich bastards she has as best friends would do. The way Tamaki would do. Ohgod. "I can't even think about him without feeling funny! How am I supposed to talk to him if just talking about him makes me feel..."

"All jittery?" Mio asks. Haruhi nods as fast as she can, wishing for an almost cure. Not about love, perhaps, but simply to stop her heart from feeling so jumpy. "You just deal with it. And with the way he is? Don't 'cha worry, I'm sure he'll take care on his own about your jitters."

Haruhi wishes she could agree with that, but she's too busy panicking to actually think that she will ever get used to this.

9. I Love the Rain the Most, Joe Purdy
And we can jump in the river, don't know if the water or sky is clearer

Tamaki dislikes the rain. If it's raining, it means that Father won't come home at all, no hope that day for him to be able to see him. If it's raining, chances are that Mother will have to stay in bed, coughing and feverish, her eyes glazed. If it's raining, his teacher will be late, and he won't be able to go outside and hide, feeling scared and alone.

It's much better when the sun shines bright on the sky.

10. The Dark, Trans Siberian Orchestra
Feel the darkness smiling, every note is dying, silence is refining

"I'm ready, niichama" Kirimi says, holding desperately tight to her cat toy. Umehito is so proud of her that he almost sheds a tear, but then he remembers that this isn't a time to be sad.

This is the moment his precious sister choses the blessings of the dark above light. Or almost darkness, since she's still a little scared, but even so, taking just that one step further and oh, he's tearing anyway.

"Very well," he says with a faint smile, turning off Kirimi's night light. "Sleep well."

meme: fanfic, favorites: ouran

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