Mar 31, 2009 05:48
SO. I may have mentioned that my family and I are fixing our garden, right? Mom was the one who used to do that and she had the green thumb, but well. After she died, I admit that we let it go for a long, long time. About a year and a half we barely paid attention to it. It's... not something we're proud of, but well, it happened.
HOWEVER, about four or so months ago, Yumma and I decided that that was unnacceptable, so we started cleaning little by little, and we set up frequent watering for the multiple desert plants mom had instead of just whenever we remembered. And dad put new grass as well and we threw away the plants that had withered as well as some rotten wood and, well. We've been working on it and it's coming up really nicely!
SO. Among the 'Taking Care of the Garden' duties there is, of course, the ever so important, 'Watering the grass and plants'. This is dad's job four days a week, Yumma and I take over the rest of the days, with Isadora sometimes helping if she has time/wants to. Today was a dad-day to water! But he arrives late at night, so he put the sprinkler and asked me to turn it off after two hours or so. I said sure, no problem, and waited.
I then go, turn it off, and still, nothing to worry. Until the part where I turn to go to bed.
I may have mentioned that I live in a semi desertic area. It means that, since the beginnings of March, our temperature has raised and raised and now we're at a 30°C during the day, with a 20°C during nights. SO I've been sleeping with my window open! And then I also leave it open during the day so that my room doesn't get stuffy.
My room that faces the garden. Where the sprinkler was on.
TL;DR My room is now soaked and instead of sleeping I'm putting things on the drier and trying to think of it as karma's way to tell me to clean up my room.
it's all about me,