(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 15:31

I found me a reason
So check me tomorrow
We'll see if I'm leaking

The cut isn't deep but it still fucking hurts. Gokudera curses as he checks it, trying to decide if it needs stitches or not. He has some money left so he could get to a doctor if he needs to, but it's all the money he has left until the next mission, and he doesn't get many of those yet. The Vongola are still trying him, and Gokudera won't give them any reason why not to take him.

So what if some days he doesn't have enough money for a less-than-decent meal, or if he has to cut on his cigarette intake to make sure his money lasts? It won't matter once he's actually a member of the Vongola, and he's showing them what he can do, the reasons why he would be a valuable asset to the family. Finally he just ties some bandages around his thigh, because he's not a fucking pussy and the cut isn't that serious that he has to go to a doctor. He can take it.

What if he got injured? He still won.

Push and push and push till it hurts

His hands smart as Fakir washes them, trying not to wince at the blisters, at how raw the skin feels. Charon had told him that he didn't have enough muscle for the sword, that it was too heavy for him, tht he should try with a rapier instead than the Zweihaender.

Fakir grits his teeth. As Mytho's knight, he will use Lohengrin. He bandages his hands and picks up the sword again.

My devil's on rollerskates
Down at the roller rink
Picking up chicks for me
Ones that push and push and push till it hurts
Push and push till it hurts

Agito flies with borrowed wings, pushing as high as he can, closing his eyes to feel the wind that doesnt' belong to him. Inside of him, Akito enjoys the ride, awake in this not-quite-shared concience, Akito's voice always near for Agito to hear, something that will always make him feel grateful.

Akito is constant, Akito is where Agito can go back, Akito is always there, more real than even his fangs, and until Agito's no longer needed, that won't ever change.

Dirty enough I got me a love
And it's so bad, it's so bad
Dirty enough I got me a love
And it's so bad, it's so bad

Heaven is vicious like a pitbull, and once it clenches its jaws around someone's weakness, there is no letting go. They don't even try to pretend they're not talking about him, pointing fingers, murmuring about the 'slut' that was with Belial. The fact that he made it up to the Arhangel ranks just means that they have more dirt to search for.

He clenches his jaw and decides to give them what they want. He finds another angel, a woman with short hair and green eyes and he fucks her, makes sure everyone finds out as he moves to another woman, and the next and the next.

Let them talk.

drabbles and ficlets

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