♥ Neeee, I was thinking... CLAMP is really great at dealing with plots, neee? And how everything gets done with Hitsuzen... fate is so powerful (it put Edward-sama and Bella-chan together, for example!) so it is really and truly amazing how they deal with things likes that, ne... sugoi... ( * _ * )
The one thing I don't like is Clow/Yuuko, though (=o=;;). I am not as jealous of Yuuko because she obviously is a yaoi fangirl and she wants Wata-kun and Dou-sama to be together forever (and take pictures) but she still is a woman.... and Clow is old!
I guess he is kind of handsome, but instead of being with a woman (=_=;;), Clow-sama should be with Yue, since it is so very obvious that he created such a handsome angel-chan like Yue-tan to be his sextoy only... Yue-tan is almost as cute as Nia-tan... ( ' / / / ')
Now, if Clow-sama rapes Yue-tan in a cute manner, that would be perfect ( ' v ' )