Sometimes I really should know better than to keep on reading F!S when there's a wanky secret. Oh, well.
As a matter of fact, I would like to state that, baaaaack when I used to have a sex life, my gay sex life was way healthier than the het sex life I had had, and it helped me realize a lot of things about me and now, years later, it helped me find my balance.
NOW. I'm not saying that het sex life is mean and iv0l and all that. I'm just saying that I was young, stupid and I was fed the 'if you love me, prove it' and a lot more of bullshit and shit that, well. Young and stupid summarizes it pretty much. Fill in the blanks and I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get it.
The one relationship so far that I've had that didn't end up in one of us being broken hearted and we remain BFF and we still tell each other that we love each other a lot since, you know, four+ years IS a lot of time was with a girl.
But, enough with the TMI. I. I just don't see what's so dangerous about homosexuality, that people have to fear it and at the same time, I don't want to see these people point of view because it scares me enough already, so this is kind of pointless. Huh.
Aaaaand while I'm on the topic, kinda, another thing.
I have never understood really the mentality that 'killing this character means that you are killing this minority and that you wish they were dead'. It's always kind of been... I don't know. Searching the hidden hate agenda a little too much? Perhaps because I'm a writer, but to me it's always been a 'this person died because I needed them to die so that the plot would move', or at least most of the times, that's it.
I know some people go and joke about the gay agenda, but sometimes I feel that the other side searches for the dark thread just as much. I don't remember where I read that someone hated Brokeback Mountain because it CLEARLY meant that gay people had to live alone forever and ever and that all that they could expect was misery.
I just. I feel that that is searching a little too much into it? What I got from it was that 'not accepting yourself means that you won't get to be happy, and you'll keep on hurting people', and I didn't even like the story that much (mostly because of the language: when I read BBM, my English was still REALLY rough so you have no idea how much I suffered through the text).
Also: I do believe that some people forget this: FICTION. It means, sorta, that you get to play with the laws of live and the universe a bit! OF COURSE that in most cases, people won't have just One True Love! Of course that in most cases, things don't work like that!
... except for the part that IT DOES HAPPEN. Sometimes even if a relationship is wrong for you, you stay; sometimes you fall in love once and it lasts forever; sometimes you do end up being alone and miserable because you pretty much set yourself to be like that.
AND IN FICTION, sometimes - I want to think that more often than not, but then again, I do like living in a big, fancy, sparkly bubble - the things that the author write? Aren't the things that the author believes in.
I don't know. My denial in these kind of things is strong, and I like it like that. It means that I get to watch a movie or read a book and I don't expect someone to lash out at me. And since I'm happier like that, I'm gonna keep on with that, thanks.