What are the odds that the day there's wank of this topic on FFR, I also get unto a pseudo-wank when shopping for some things?
Feel free to give me your point of view, BUT keep this in mind:
A) I'm not trying to convince anyone of my point of view.
B) I am not going to be convinced by your point of view.
C) Be civil if you're commenting to someone else.
I'm always wary of saying I'm against abortion because two things tend to happen:
A) Stare of the 'oh-sheeze-another-fundamentalist-that-thinks-every-life-is-sacred' and then a rant about how it's a woman's body and thus her choice.
B) I get a 'I KNOW!' and then I get into a talk about how every life is sacred and it's God's will and how having a zillion babies is okay.
... and I'm on the middle of them both.
When I say I'm against abortion, I mean I'm against ME having an abortion, unless it's an etopic pregnancy or a life or death situation. Other cases? I want to believe that I'd be strong enough and that I'd have enough support to carry the pregnancy to full term and then, if for some reason I can't keep the baby, give the baby up for adoption.
For me, EVERY life is important, and I do believe that fetus are alive and should be considered a human being despite the fact that they've not born yet. And yes, when I mean every life, I mean that I'm also against Death Penalty, even when I don't believe those lives to be very sacred and it's more me wishing the people who deserved Death Penalty to really suffer for their crimes.
But I do believe that abortion should be legal because if not? The people are still going to get illegal abortions and then the women will be in more danger. Besides, just because I say that I won't have an abortion, why the fuck should my opinion matter over the rights of a woman who was raped? Or a woman that wouldn't be able to provide a good home to the child? Even over the woman who plainly and simply doesn't want to be pregnant.
I DO believe that abortion shouldn't be used as a contraceptive, as a day-after pill. "UPPS! Forgot the condom! Oh, don't worry, I'll just have an abortion later! ♥" -> THAT I'm against. But other situations?
Life isn't white and black. What works for me doesn't always work for my neighbor. Heck, what right now works for me perhaps won't work in a while!
And it's VERY annoying to be said that you're not really pro-life if you think that women should have the choice.
That said: Isadora decided that today is a cleaning up day so I need to go and keep up cleaning.