Cosplay and Kingdom Hearts breaking my heart.

Apr 30, 2007 22:18

I just spent around three hours looking at Japanese cosplay sites. Ohlordy, are they beautiful *_* everytime I see good cosplay, I wish that I wasn't a) so lazy and b) actually was better with a needle... oh, and c) not such a cheapstake to actually try to learn more :p

This Vaan one makes me go ggalkjgalgja with glee at the awesomeness.

I saw some Loveless (*_*), some Bleach, and found some Code Geass that. alkjgaljkgalkj. Oh, this is bad, 'cause they're just fuel to an already overactive brain. But. The awesomeness. I'm weak against awesomeness. It's my fatality.

Oh. And.

I swear I'm rarely like this with couples. But. but. *heartbreaks*

Since padf00t and I decided that canon giving us fanfics and all about Roxas and Axel was canon bribing us to lose some more of our soul, I went to wikipedia just to be sure that I had everything right.

So I'm happily reading the ORGXIII data when... here.
    In an added scene in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Xemnas explains that Axel's death triggered the appearance of Roxas to Sora at the World That Never Was.

Which means that when Roxas started hitting desperately Sora's keyblade and he asked 'Why did he choose you?!', he wasn't talking about the King or the keyblades or the heart or anything like that.

He was talking about Axel.


fandoms, omgsquee, shiny addict

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