
Aug 19, 2013 02:18

Last night really sealed the deal on my lifestyle change idea. I'm so glad that my eyes have been opened once again and I hope that I will have the strength to stick to my guns on this. Currently, I have next to zero desire to drink or smoke weed. It's been 4 days no pot! :) oh the money I will save and the things I will achieve with all the motivation I will have. I'd like to get our room picked up tomorrow morning and the laundry under the stairs in order so we can get our closets organized before Kelso gets called out to intel. ONE MONTH until my sweet man no longer cooks pizza and we don't have to live paycheck to paycheck. Life Just falls into place? Errr.. Or not.
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at noon where I am getting SEVEN cavities filled. FYI I hate the dentist. I sure hope they knock me out or at least give me a medication prescription. I need to get ahold of clark college as well tomorrow and see of I can get the ball rolling on signing up for classes. I need a price so I know how to budget my money within the next month. So annoying.
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