1 Card - Video

Oct 09, 2011 13:33

[There is a little smile on his face when he turns on the video function.]

So this is the City. I suppose that I could learn to be comfortable here. What a pity that it's taken me away from important matters. However, I suppose I can be grateful that time is apparently frozen there until I am able to return. Yes, I believe I could count that as a blessing of its own. I can always find a way to use my time here wisely.

Housing wasn't difficult to manage since it seems that such things are just provided for us. Of course I will soon have find something a little more to my tastes but that was hardly a surprise.

[Suddenly that smile grows just ever so slightly.]

Unfortunately, there are some people I long to see that haven't made themselves known to me yet. They know who they are though. There is no need for me to worry about calling them out by name.

[He brings out a pipe. With practiced ease, he lights a match and uses it to light the pipe as well. Putting the match out, he places the pipe on his lips and smoke curls up into the air.]

What a pleasure this will be, dear City. I hope to get to know you very well.

such advantages, calling out to the little people, settled in before calling, let's see who is here, arrival in the city

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