Hot Spoiler And Good News For Theresa Fans!! {10D7D18B-D647-4B3A-AE17-F9DB31BF30C8}
Daytime Emmy nominee Crystal Chappell (Olivia, Guiding Light) has prime soap dish on her husband, Michael Sabatino. "He's going to do some time on Passions," Chappell tattles to "I think it's only 10 episodes [and he'll play] a sleazy guy. Yeah, that's usually his thing." Indeed, Sabatino - who has been pursuing a second career as a building contractor - has played many soap nasties. My two faves: Rapist Lawrence Alamain from Days of our Lives and Knots Landing's devilish Chip Roberts, who was impaled on a pitchfork. Ouch! Most recently, Sabatino recurred as crooked lawyer Vince Russo on his wife's show, GL. A Passions rep confirms that Sabatino has been cast in a short-term role but kept mum on specific details. Stay tuned.... CASTING UPDATE reported exclusively on Friday that soap vet Michael Sabatino will join Passions for 10 episodes as "a sleazy guy." Dying to know who? OK, he's playing J.T. Cornell, the tabloid reporter who got Ethan's paternity scoop from those beeyotches Gwen and Rebecca years ago. Look for Theresa to have an informative meeting with J.T. in Rome on May 18.
+ let's start counting down the days till the tabloid news comes out, and ET is back together where they have belonged all along!!!! :)
....but, knowing Passions for almost 7 years now, it might not happen the way all of us ET fans hope it will, but we could still believe it will happen, cause sooner or later the news has to come out, JER already killed us for long enough, how much longer is gonna drag out this triangle?
also, the whole Vendetta storyline, something good has to come out of it, this brings my hopes up, finally some news about the whole friggin thing, also, Omega - "THE END"... --- the end of certain storylines!!
+++++++ ET BABY!!! +++++++
megan ♥