We are gonna rock the world v.2

May 10, 2010 01:23


I love u all. I love u sfm Juan Carlos Navarro. I love u Jaka Lakovic. I love u, Gianluca Basile. I love u, Xavi Pascual (basketball one). I love u, Fran Vazquez. I love u, Pete Mickeal. I love u, Roger Grimau. I love u, Boniface Ndong. I love u, Ricky Rubio. I love u, Jordi Trías. I love u, Vitor Sada......
I LOVE U ALL SO EFFING MUCH. THere's no words.

FIRST SPANISH MVP @ final four

Now, ACB time.
Then, handball time, we are at final four TOO.
DEAL WITH IT, we are gonna rock the world and you can't do anything but looking.

PS: Sorry, You've already been warned about I am a sports freak. *points sports tag*
PS1: Maybe, I am more ecstatic with this than last year. But for a weird reason, people don't use to celebrate basketball *hate football right now*

!squeeing over the world, !futbol club angustias, champiñones, sport, !lj cut is overrated, juan carlos navarro

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