Hola a tod@s! El foro oth spain esta poniendo en marcha lo que podría llegar a convertirse en la primera convención de OTH en España, con actividades, invitados importantes, concursos y demas. Para poder sacar adelante el proyecto se esta realizando un sondeo previo para comprobar el numero de intersados. Se pide que se manden correos a midnightmadness@hotmail.es indicando nombre, ciudad y el titulo de otra serie que gustaria compartiese cartel con One Tree Hill. Más información en
http://z14.invisionfree.com/othspain/index.php?act=idx .
The next could interest u:
Hey there! oth spain forums is starting what could become the very fist OTH event/convention here in Spain, with activities, contests, important guests... To keep the project going we are running a survey to fin out how many of you would be interested in attending. We are asking everybody to send an e-mail to midnightmadness@hotmail.es including name, city and the name of another show which could share protagonism with One Tree Hill at this event. For more information write to the address above or just visit
http://z14.invisionfree.com/othspain/index.php?act=idx .