Stuff White People Like. Okay so maybe I do like Michel Gondry. And Japan.
But (insert tangent here) I don't like getting bad grades. I got back my first exam in Asian Religion, and I failed. I was expecting to make a B, so this kind of blind-sided me. NO GOOD. I am therfor resolved to crack down and actually be a good student this semester. I'm at peace with the fact that I will never match my high school GPA, but I'd like to graduate with at least a 3.5. I think I can do that. I might cease to be any fun to hang out with, but I can do that.
Things I need to do: HOMEWORK. Give photocopied RA recommendation forms to Jennifer, Leigh, and Mrs. Sabec. Print out/start on the Education MA program application. E-mail Ms. Tenney about working at the HRC again this summer. Read Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Go!
School is so exhausting.