I just finished watching CBC's feature film, "The Great Canadian Polar Bear Adventure." The film features footage of polar bears and other arctic wildlife with anthropomorphized human voice overs. The basic purpose of the film is to show polar bears getting fucked over by global warming and I'm trying to figure out what the target audience is on this movie. It seems like its aimed toward children, yet the subject matter is rather morbid and the footage is quite graphic. For example, one scene has a bunch of harp seals lounging around on the ice having a conversation before the polar bears approach. One of the harp seals you saw conversing just moments before is suddenly ripped to shreds by a polar bear. The plot of the story essentially finds the polar bears having to travel deeper into the realm of the "two-legs" in search for food in garbage dumps and the climax of the story occurs where they all get shot with dart guns and later awaken in a new ice field where there are more seals and fish. I actually found myself quite emotionally captivated by the film. Its rather heavy though, one might even conclude too heavy for the delicate emotions and limited understanding of small children. Then again, they don't shelter kids in Canada as they do in the US from important socio-political issues and such.
Anyhow, here's a trailer for it:
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