Nov 27, 2004 19:05
THE FIRST SIGN OF CHRISTMAS IS HERE!! the Christmas parties have begun!! I am REALLY starting to get too excited for Christmas. I WANA GO HOME NOW!! but i think i will survive till i get home. It's not that I'm homesick; it's just that I really feel like Christmas is almost here and I should be home by now cuz I'm so excited. I know it's really not, but Christmas shopping really makes it feel like it is. Christmas music is everywhere now, plus there were carolers today in the Rideau Centre. It was awesome! I am even guilty of listening to Chistmas CDs (The Rankin Sisters, of course).
Well last night was superfun! Me and Jennifer were Santa's elves for the children's Christmas party at our work. We helped him give out the gifts to the kids. It was superfun! It was so cool to see the kids get to talk to Santa and get their gifts (and I say I never want to have kids...haha). We're doing the same thing at the adult Christmas party in a couple weeks, but we're giving out gag gifts to managers...hope my manager doesn't take things too seriously...haha. I think she's good at taking jokes, so it should be okay.
After that we met up with Jennifer's old roommate from X (Mary Anne) at Grace O'Malley's to see Billy's Flick, a Nova Scotian band. They were awesome. It's the first band I've seen in Ottawa other than Kilbride and/or ex-members of Kilbride.
AND I got some dancing out of my system. It was weird cuz between sets of this Nova Scotian band they played wicked-ass hip-hop and rap music. Apparently it's an Irish pub that REALLY wants to cater to everyone's needs. Then again, Mother McGintey's does the same thing. Anyways, it was odd, but WICKED!! I finally found someone to go dancing with!! Now all I have to do is convince Mary Anne that she wants to go to Acqua...
As for tonight, Tim and I are going out for dinner. Then? goodnes knows. Maybe rent a movie.