Mar 28, 2006 10:44
Today is a good day.
I'm still undersleeping, yes, but I've been getting a surprising amount of good feedback in the past 24 hours.
Three different people have called to tell me they liked one piece about a local woman who helped translate Antiochian Orthodox prayers into English, another two have told me they liked my story about storytellers in Spring Valley, and a teacher at the community college told another reporter how much he enjoyed a story I wrote last November - and then he asked me for a copy of it. My articles are being sent to New York and New Jersey, I'm told. Then there's an older woman who volunteers at the Red Cross who recognized me yesterday and noticed I write a lot about Spring Valley (I take that to mean I'm doing a good job at getting stories from my beat out there).
And not in the past 24 hours, but cool anyway, I've had requests from locals to submit my articles to things like the archdiocese paper and a percussion association paper, and talked to a former resident in LA who reads and enjoys my stuff.
The guy I go to for oil changes recognized me the other day, too. He said, "I didn't know Bacos were vegan." Not only does he know who I am, he remembered a column I wrote almost two months ago (he's also a vegeterian - go team!).
And last night, I was a couple minutes late to a TIF info meeting (I never do that! I try always to be 5-10 minutes early) - I thought I had a couple minutes to nuke some soybeans to eat on the way, but it was precisely those couple minutes that I did not have - and they actually waited for me to get there to start. How embarassing, but how sweet. The competition was there, too, but they wouldn't start without me. :) Of course, they just want to make sure I get the facts straight, but it's still nice;.
And then afterwards, I actually got to talk to the economic director, and while she's always been good about giving me pertinent, current information, we've never really had a relaxed chat. It was nice. What she had to say about past reporters in town was enlightening. I'm sorry there are people around who don't realize what a great resource she is for that city.
I'm understanding more and more the relationship between Spring Valley and the NewsTribune, and I hope I'm improving it.
I just wanted to post this, for those of you who've been reading along with all my complaining. I do whine an awful lot, and while life is very full and very demanding and sometimes very unreasonable, it's still good. Reporting is definitely, 100 percent, where I want to be.