Chicago All The Way!!!!

Mar 20, 2005 19:04

Lets just say that we found out Chicago hates detroit....They cant handle it. Detroit what?!! haha..

Well i had a freaking blast and i recommend chicago to anyone 21 of age! You will not regret it! St patricks day was a freaking blast and i'm so proud of us. We all woke up around 9am and cracked open a beer...and we didnt stop until about 4 in the morning. They have bars open until 4!!! it was so awesome!

So many things happened there that i cant even think of all them. But i do know we drunk dialed a ton of people!! =)

But i did say i would so some pictures so here are some of them.........Theres alot!

This is all of us at the train station waiting to leave for chicago!

All of us on the train...We meet some really cool chick on our way and she was alone so she sat w/us!!

At hooters eating lunch....Mine and Tristien's First Time!!!! yeaya!!!!

Some People just got married!

Starting off St. Patty's Day

Top of Sear's Tower!

Some some of the view's from the top

Lunch on St. Patty's Day we went to a place called Dicks last resort. You are allowed to be mean to them and they are mean back. Too Funny. The guy threw chrissy silverware on the floor and her I.D. Chrissy also got special sauce..haha....
It was really funny. Some lady had her arms in the air and the waiter said "put your arms down your gonna lose friends" Go there!

Out On St Patty's Day:

Our Last Night (tear):

They so rode the bull with a blow up doll!!!! so funny!

Dancin on the bar!

it was also megans birthday while we were there....(wink wink)

And the crazy ending......
We walked outta hotel room after checking out. We still had like 5 hrs so we were going to walk around and find somewhere to eat. Walk out and there are police on EVERY corner. Even Riot Police, dressed all in their gear...We were like what the hell is going on....we saw some guy get arrested and shit. Finally some lady said they are having a Anti-war rally a few blocks over in a few hours. So we went and ate lunch and went to the really just to see what it was like. Crazy. Cops EVERYWHERE and TONS of them. Some pics:

I have more but they get boring.....

All together it was a wonderful trip with wonderful Girls, and guy!
Couldnt have picked a better group to go with and we made alot of great memories!!

There's a lot so be ready!
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