just 'cause I feel like posting something

Feb 13, 2010 13:10

OK, I'm unpacked and my room is mostly sorted out, which is a plus. I also got about 10 hours sleep, which is good, but am still feeling sleep deprived after that early morning flight from NZ followed by a day at work. Maybe I need an afternoon nap.

My "to do" list has grown out of proportion and is making me nervous every time I think of it. So I just won't think of all the stuff I need to get done and will just do things that I feel like doing. Maybe...

I have 99% decided that I won't go to Border War. There is nothing in the event information which suggests that any organised activities are of the type that appeal to me. The only A&S related stuff that has been mentioned is a couple of competitions, all of them Viking related. May be ok for some, but frankly I just don't care for Viking stuff. Plus I'm tired and need a few weekends at home. I may actually get some stuff done that way.

OK, I'd better go and try to fix up that partlet that I cut out incorrectly and re-attach my embroidery to its frame so I can work on it, before tackling the various computer problems I'm having. Maybe with a nap in between.
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