Sum up

Jan 10, 2010 23:56

I'm back from 12th night. It was a very good event, albeit very hot (I was quite badly affected by the heat, got a bad headache and had to leave the post-divest revel and rush back to my hotel to jump under a cold shower to avoid throwing up and collapsing - not the best way to end a night)

The coronation was beautifully done and organised and held at a beautiful cathedral. It was kind of sad though - I enjoyed being part of the royal household which had some really lovely people on it and both Gabriel and Constanzia were always utterly lovely and supportive. So it was somewhat deflating for that reign to come to an end.

Despite taking a week off work in an attempt to finish the second mitten, I ran out of time, which was a major disappointment, but I'd done my best to finish both and I can't do better than my best. In any case the mittens (well, one mitten and bits of second one) were a hit. I got lots of positive feedback from various cool people. Then Mistress Rowan forced me [1] to enter them into a competition that WCOB happened to be running at the event with three dimensional embroidery and I won the competition, which was exciting if somewhat scary (note to self - it is a bad idea to sit at the back of the hall if you are going to be called up in court - the long walk doesn't help. Really). And kind of funny as I'm not actually a member for WCOB, having never submitted anything for assessment. Anyhow, I still have to finish the second mitten, but it may take a little longer because I actually have to put some garb together and do some repair jobs and sort out the Stormscroll thing and...gah!

The idea of going to work tomorrow is very unattractive, but I guess such is life.

[1] "forced" in a sense that she told me I should enter them in the competition, gave me the competition form and told me to sit down and fill it out. So I did the only sensible thing open to me, which was to say "yes, Mistress Rowan" and do as I was told. No actual physical force was involved :-)
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