Aaah, the lurgy!

Nov 06, 2009 20:56

Woke up feeling off today, with some uncomfortable breathing sensation (but not coughing or anything). Later in the day developed quite severe arthalgia in most joints and back. Bad enough to really want some pain killers, but I decided against it because I wanted to check for elevated temperature when I got home.

Sure enough, elevated temperature, not quite reaching the level of "fever", but close enough for me to conclude that it is likely that I've got early stages of the flu. Tamiflu has now been consumed. If the temperature returns to normal by end of day or tomorrow morning, that should confirm the diagnosis. With early treatment and a bit of luck it may go away reasonably quickly.

This is a really bad time to have the flu as I'm now very busy at work and was going to do work over the weekend. Damn!

And I was at dancing yesterday - hope I didn't infect anyone.
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