Maybe I just don't get it

Aug 19, 2009 09:14

On the way to work I heard a radio segment about people finding good bargains. One woman was saying how she was trying on a pair of $1,500 shoes, only to be told that they are on sale for $300. Another one came on saying how she regularly gets bargains on some brand-name jeans (I forget the name of the brand), which retail for $500 and which she buys on Ebay from US for "just" $150. The male radio presenter replied that his jeans retail for $70 and he buys them for $70.

OK, maybe I don't get it, but why the heck would someone buy a pair of jeans for $500? They are jeans. As in, casual wear. What on earth can you do to a pair of jeans to justify a $500 price tag? I remember an admin assistant where I work coming in wearing a pair of designer jeans which she said cost a few hundred dollars. At the same time the girl was struggling to save enough for a house deposit with her partner. Another colleague of mine regularly buys shirts costing over $300. He, at least, can afford it. So could I, provided I didn't do it often. But that's not the point. The point is why do it in the first place?

I understand paying good money for good quality. I understand paying good money for something that you really need and can't find at a lower price. I don't understand forking out $500 for a pair of jeans that will have few, if any, significant improvements in quality or comfort over a much cheaper pair, for the sake of label which boasts that the purchaser spent an insane amount of money on some everyday wear.

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