Jan 06, 2005 20:10
wow this is 3rd time today i wrote this whole thing! im coocoo but whatever.today my day was soo good! i hung out with dionne mostly but wow i had alot of fun and lately ive had alot of fun but i dont feel like writing it all cuz i already did like 3 freakin times. well i talked to this Studdd today and yesterday at school! woot woot. lol yes i was happy until i found out this kid is wayyy older than me but idc he was just a hottie anyways no big feelings. i took another survery thing lol this is my last one for a long time but before i do that i have to say something for 2 wayyyy cool boys.
Basil- whats up playa.lol basil u are always so soo funny and everytime i talk to u,u tell me the nicest things,u r a true brotha.and thank you for telling me u got my back becuz thats way awsome. u keep them gold daytonas on ur cherry 6fo. []D. [] .[]\/[]. []D .
Michael W- Michael u are Very funny. you always used to make me laugh soo hard lol and i had fun whenever we used to hang out but its cool we still talk =). you are theeeeeeeeeeee coolest boy ever, and i think u have the best number there is out there..20!!! well i wish u the best of luck with your ex girfriend becuz she is a LUCKY gaL. i luv ya punk ;]
[a]ccent: umm. that would be a no
[b]estfriends:Many-but the bestest r dionne lauren stephanie sean and dominique.
[c]hoice of meat: ..
[d]ream date: probably something Real cute and romaniticy!
[e]xciting adventure: oh boy,ive had many of those this year!
[f]avorite food: wayy to many to choose from
[g]reatest accomplishment:winning 1st at the science fair 4 times in a row.hehe J*k
[h]appiest day of your life:By have i had SOO many. :]
[i]nterests:basically anything as long as its f-u-n.
[j]ello: red kind.mmm
[k]ool aid: i LOVE all kool aid
[l]ove: unfortanitly i do not have a love right now
[m]ost valued:lol this is dorky but my friends ;]
[n]ame: Miss Alyssa
[o]utfit you wore today: brown shirt and black pants.(Michael liked my shirt)haha
[p]izza topping:peperoni
[q]uestion most asked: i could go on all day asking questions
[r]adio station: 9.23
[s]port: softball/dance
[t]elevision show: havent watched t.v in a while..[u]r favorite song: many many many
[w]here you live: phoenix, az
[y]ear born: 1990
[z]odiac sign: gemini babay.
--Birthdate: june 8th
--Birthplace: phoenix
--Current Location: phoenix,arizona
--Eye color: Brown
--Hair color: blondie babe.lol yeah right.Black.
--height:5'2 1/2 ..shorty
--Righty or Lefty: i can use both but mostley right
--Zodiac Sign: i belive i already said gemini?
--Innie or Outtie: innie :]
// Ver. 2 - Describe
--Your Heritage:hah.
--The Shoes You Wore Today: Addidas
--Your Weakness: Acting MYSELF in Front of the people i tend to like,i SUCK at that
--Your Fears: hmm well spinning around in a tornadoe would sure scare the heck outa me
--Your Perfect Pizza: well im not all that into pizza but probably pepperoni
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: lol actully yes. but my mommas the only one who knows them and dionne cause she went snooping in my room! lol i would say but they are GEEKY!
// Ver.3
--What is your most overused phrase?: probably laughing
--Your first thoughts waking up: crap am i late again.?
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hmm well if their shirt is off there BOdy ;]. otherwise there face?
--Your best physical features: not sure,alot of ppl like my teeth.lol
--Your bedtime:when im tired?
--Greatest Fear: i think i already said the thing bout tonardoes
--Your Most Missed Memory: wow probably everyday of 8th grade,josh,me and Stephy's times, when me and dionne went to the movies with josh and the rest of the GANGSTAS! lol
// Ver.4
--Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
--McDonald's or Burger King: Bk
--Single or Group Dates: single.
--Adidas or Nike: adidas!! nikes r very cute tho
--Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
--Cappucino or coffee: cappachino! actully i never had one of those bfore so i cant say that.
--Boxers or Briefs: how bout none? hehe J*k either or idc
// Ver.5
--Do you smoke?: negative
--Cuss?: noo
--Sing Well?: YES!!.sike.
--Do you think you've been in love?: im not sure..possibly
--Want to go to college: why of coarse
--Liked High School?: no, love it! =)
--Want to get married?: someday
--Type with fingers on the right keys: im confused
--Get motion sickness: nope
--Think you're attractive: puh lease. no
--Think you're a health freak: no
--Get along with parents: yes
--Like Thunderstorms: yes only if at
// Ver.6 - in the past month, did/have you:
--Consumed Alchohol: no
Have Sex: no
--Made Out: no
Gone On Date: no
--Go To the Mall: yes
--Eaten Sushi: no nto ever
--Gone Skating: no
--Made Homemade cookies: yes!! today
--Been in Love: nopee
--Gone Skinny Dipping: still no
--Dyed your hair:no
--Stolen Anything: no
// Ver.7
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: ever yes,recently no
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something"?: no
--Been Called a "Tease": lol well yes actully
// Ver.8
--Age you hope to be married?: before 80 would be nice.
Numbers and Names of Children?: not plannin that far ahead yet
--Describe your dream wedding: SPecial
--How do you want to die?: with the person i LOVe.ah thats cute
--Where do you want to go to college: idk yet.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: actress
most like to vist: ahh.i wana vist alot of places