Feb 08, 2011 17:16
Spring semester of my senior year of university has begun!
Well, actually it began last week, but this is my meager attempt at a kick-off post.
And by kick-off post, I do not mean that I'm kicking off a new and improved posting schedule, etc. I mean a brief update before I have to run to dinner, fly through pages of french activities, and race to my Chaucer course.
Ahhh Chaucer. I feel as though I should come to class with some sort of weapon, for I feel I may have great need of fighting my way through the course. Chaucer, it is officially ON! Your wit and middle english are no match for my... my, uh... well I'll get by. You'll see!
So several things are coming up in my immediate future:
A) Chaucer begins tonight. Tuesdays 7-10pm.
B) 100th night arrives on the 12th!
Many of you out there who do not attend my university may have no idea what this is about. 100th night is a long-time senior tradition that marks the 100th night until graduation (affectionately and fearfully renamed by my close friend "T" and me as "Big Girl Day" or "BGD" for the rest of forever). This event involves, in my loose understanding of the event, all the seniors gathering together, watching slideshows of senior photos, drinking champagne, and finally, crying. Lots and lots of crying at the thought of BGD drawing tangibly close and having to face the realities of post-undergraduate life.
C) Valentine's day. Well... technically this is a holiday. Mine will be spent fiddling with my new neocube (my boyfriend and I "bought each other" neocubes for Valentine's day, as neither of us are particularly interested in the Hallmark side of the holiday, and are both fascinated by simplistic things). And my friend T and I shall dine at Olive Garden and afterwards we shall viddy a film.
And that's the end for now, I suppose.
In the spirit of my French 112 homework,
Bon journée et au revoir, tout le monde!
(J'espère que j'écrirais bientôt.)
no sleep ever ever ever,
senior year,
valentine's day