Caroline A. L. Pratt checks out her decor, originally uploaded by
Caroline A. L. Pratt has officially moved into her new home at the Brooklyn Museum! Approximately the size of a paper clip, Caroline is easily my smallest betta. It will be interesting to see if she grows (maybe she is just a little baby). She is very streamlined and pointy, and -- dare I say it? -- she kind of reminds me of a little squid!
She has really taken to her new digs. Her bowl is like a MASSIVE space for her to swim around in. She seems to be enjoying herself. This morning, she inspected all of her decor. She seems to like the spot between the two plants as a hiding place. She enjoys a few activities I can discern so far: swimming laps, looking at people and stuff, and of course eating food!
All of my office fish are named after Museum Funds, with the exception of Winky (Winkerton 1), my one-eyed betta. There have been Dick S. Ramsay, A. Augustus Healy, and Frank L. Babbott -- and now Carolina A. L. Pratt!
As you can see, Caroline has a white body and pink cheeks! She has maroon fins. She is actually a crowntail betta, which means her fins all have little points on the ends. The last time I got a "fancier" betta, it was kinda expensive ($13), but I think in general females are always cheaper (Caroline was a very economical $4.99).
If you click on the picture it takes you to my Flickr page, and you can see a few more pictures of Caroline.
I think she is a great addition to the office family! :)