How I Met Teri Hatcher!

May 11, 2006 15:37

I recently found out that Teri Hatcher, star of Lois & Clark (my favorite show of all time) and Desparate Housewives (my curent favorite show) was going to be at Barnes & Noble, signing her new book, Burnt Toast. I love her!! So... I did a bad, bad thing and played hookey from work. Well, I didn't TOTALLY play hookey. ACTUALLY, I decided to CONVENIENTLY get a dentist's appointment that JUST-SO-HAPPENED to be on the SAME DAY as Teri's book-signing! (That made me feel less bad about playing hookey.)

Prior to the book-signing, I finished crocheting a set of 4 toast coasters (since her book is toast-related!) Yes, I know I am the corniest person alive. But I thought that Teri might really like toast-related handicrafts!

I went to the book signing, and gave the toast coasters to Teri... HERE SHE IS WITH MY TOAST COASTERS! (That is a rather unflattering view of the side of me there with her. The dude there is facilitating the book-signing.)

And--she was ALL EXCITED about the toast coasters! We chatted it up about crochet, because her daughter is currently learning to knit and crochet! She said, "Emerson [her daughter] is going to love these so much!" Anyway, she was so nice! She had a very cool vintage-looking dress on. She looked very pretty, and was very friendly and smiley with all of her fans!

The "thanks" is for the toast coasters! The "don't eat it!" referrs to, of course, burnt toast. (This is a theme in her book--that as women, we are often putting others ahead of ourselves, so if there is a burnt toast slice, we are more apt to take it for ourselves so our families can get the better pieces. And her theory is that we should value ourselves more and not eat the burnt toast. Figuratively and literally.)

The Barnes & Noble event staff said they'd take cameras to get a picture of Teri and yourself. I was a little sad because you can't really even tell that's me in the picture, but after I thought about it, I decided it was much better to have a bad picture and a cute memory of talking to Teri about crochet and her daughter than to be rushed by and have a better picture.

The people who go to these celebrity events are REALLY WEIRD. I saw some "regular" people who were obviously Teri's fans, but then there are these people who are celebrity-autograph "hobbyists" and they are some STRANGE people! Many of them are a little creepy. I heard some guy keep saying he "never even once watched her [Teri's] shows." (Seriously, these events involve a LOT of standing around, waiting, time-wasting. If you don't actually care about the celebrity or her book, why are you here?) There was a retired guy in line ahead of me. He said because he is retired, going to celebrity signings "keeps him busy." (I can understand golf, fishing, and other hobbys... but celebrity signings?) A man behind me had a STACK of books, and he actually gets them signed for a REASON--he gives them to an auction that benefits a school for special-needs children. He gets the signed books because they are hot items for people to bid on. Anyhow, the people that frequent these celebrity signings all seemed to recognize and know each other. It was really weird! One lady recognized someone that "usually gets ten or fifteen books isn't here!" Even though meeting a celebrity is really cool, I realized that unless I really care about the celebrity or the book, I would never really get involved in being one of these "autograph hound" people.

The man DIRECTLY behind was was SO DISGUSTING. He was telling be about how Teri Hatcher was the most beautiful woman, and her eyes were so deep, and was I a fan? When I said I was, he said something about whether I like some of her steamier films. "Two Days in the Valley, that one really got me excited, when she had that catfight with that girl. When she was kicking that girl. Yeah, that was really, really good." He had a gift for Teri, too--an antiques flyer (like, one of those things you get free just laying around): "I know she really likes antiques." I AM NOT KIDDING. Later he said, "If I could have one dream, it would be to have one night with her, just one night." BARF!!!!! I couldn't wait to get away from this man!!

Anyhow, it was really fun to go to. I am glad I got to meet one of my favorite actresses, and that my toast coasters were a hit!

celebrity encounters, lois & clark, crochet projects, photo-posts

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