Mar 26, 2003 10:52

So I am a master procreator in the realm od all things Alpha Phi Omega. I have been a Big Brother every semester that I've been around, twice I had Twins. All girls! I was just reflecting on the coolness that is my six littles.

FALL 2001
TALIA: Talia was the first little I knew about. I had met her at a bunch of rush activities prior to Inductions. I was SO excited to have her because she was so gung-ho, I KNEW she was going to go through with pledging. Talia and I have always enjoyed each other's company, so muuch so that we were once the only two people to sign up for a mini-golf fellowship, we played each other one-on-one. (She kicked my butt!!)

YOLANDA: The day before Inductions, I got a call around midnight. "Can you take another little?" I said, "Sure!" This was Yolanda. I hadn't met her or anything. As pledging began, I discovered one of the most caring, genuine, FUN!!, amazing people I have ever met. To this day, when I see her, my response is always the same: "Yolanda! I love you!!"" and a big hug.

ALISON: I met Alison at the Ice Cream social. I discovered she and I had more in common than our first name... we lived in the same residence hall. We talked for a while, and I took a liking to her. I told the pledgemaster tha I hoped to get Alison. They came through for me. Whenever I see Alison, she always makes me laugh. There is no one better to share a Cosmo's T.H.B. (Toasted Honey Bun) with.

FALL 2002
HEATHER: I met Heather when we were both acting in "The Vagina Monologues." It was cool because she and I both sort of knew each other. We were big fans of the "secret shopper" program at Goldstein... Mmm. Heather is awesome because she is committed to making a difference--she sees a problem, and she makes change.

ERIN: Erin is one of my Twins this semester. She is awesome, and so much fun! She is pledging with her boyfriend Scott--so cute! We always talk about our boys. Erin has a quiet sweetness about her. Unlike with Talia and Yolanda, I was told I had Twins right away. As a result, I could plan accordingly. Erin's pledge book is Wonder Woman...

KRISTEN: ...and Kristen's is Catwoman! So cute! Kristen amazes me. She does so many things! She is a DJ on the radio, and she's pre-med, and she is doing APO, having a boyfriend, AND a social life! Craziness. Kristen and I always talk about our boys, too. She is so super nice, I smile whenever I see her.

...So there you have it. My littles. I hope they all know how amazing they are. If I could spread just a little bit of my APO-love to each of them, I will have succeeded. They are all very active and involved, and I will have left behind quite a legacy when I graduate. A legacy of six awesome, committed lady brothers of Phi Chapter.

college, alpha phi omega

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