Jan 31, 2008 17:55
I think that if my cat had a blog, today's entry would be along the lines of: "Today was the worst day of my life! First the girl-human straps me in this S&M-type harness thing with a leash and drags me around the house while that moron the dog laughed at me, then she dumps me in water and ruins my fur for the third time this month, and then she brings that interloper from the outside into the house and forces me to be nice! That girl is gonna die in her sleep..."
And then Mont's mood icon would be "emo," and he'd say he was listening to Sting's "King of Pain."
What happened from my point of view: I had to have both cats in the house while I gave them their weekly baths, but before I did that I walked Monty. Yes, you heard me right. I've started walking my cat. The vet screamed at us practically, he's gained so much weight. He can't lick himself anymore, and I'm not about to put him on a starvation diet. So, walkies it is! I swear Duke knows what's going on and thinks it's hilarious.
Two weeks ago I was a bridesmaid in my friend Cori's wedding (by the by, sweetie, I still haven't sent pics yet because for some reason my email is being crazy slow). Oh, it was too amazing! So many friends and good times and dressing up and celebrating my two friends. Really, really wonderful. And origami! And sparklers! That's my idea of an awesome party. :)
This weekend is shaping up to be equally awesome: I've got Katie and Nikki coming to see me, and 'twill be awesome. Although, I have to work for the majority of the weekend (*grumble, grumble, snarl*). Seriously, what's with all these shifts? You mean now that I'm full time I have to actually work? Ah well, I can get them into all our shows for free, and tomorrow is Member's Night, meaning once they get bored of laser shows I can get them into not just the exhibits, but I think a sneak peak and the new dino exhibit that opens on Saturday!
We've been having a lot of fun watching the dinos slowly going up all over OMSI; some sort of life-sized sauropod is slowly coming together in the plaza right outside, the bones of a Mamenchiosaurus are currently standing right behind the front desk, and yesterday we all spent a good majority of the morning goofing off and watching the tech guys string up some sort of pterodactyl. Now that was a bit of an adventure! Not only is this creature ugly as sin and massive, but when they were attempting to winch it up towards the ceiling it swung wildly and hit not only the front desk, but the glass walkway above it. And did I mention that this beast didn't come with instructions, and has just a few left-over screws the guys couldn't find a use for? Oh OMSI, I love you...